Questions tagged as 'rotas'


Best practice for client to choose response format (JSON / XML)

I would like to know the best coding practice that allows the client to define the response format for the request he made, which can also include filters, conditions, ordering, etc. I made a small template for the answer, I do not know if it...
asked by 16.01.2017 / 14:59

What are routes in ASP.NET MVC?

In ASP.NET MVC I always get the term route when #, however, I started to study APS.NET MVC a short time ago and this term route / strong> this is causing me confusion. Question I would like to know what are routes and what is their p...
asked by 29.10.2016 / 02:41

How to implement a Route System in MVC?

I'm creating an MVC framework (more for studies), and I'm trying to implement a route system , but I'm not sure how to execute the routes. So I would like to know if there is any execution flow for an MVC project. Mine looks something like t...
asked by 16.06.2016 / 15:01

How to determine the search path of Controllers and Views?

I'm studying ASP.NET Core MVC on a MacOS. When I create a new project, the IDE automatically arrows my Views in a folder called "Home". If I change the name of this folder or change the Folder Views I get an error message when executing the p...
asked by 17.12.2017 / 06:12

CodeIgniter 3 - Structure of subdirectories - Routes

I created a project in CI and I'm going through the following problem: I split my controllers into two folders: application/controllers/painel/ and application/controllers/site/ In the subdirectory panel there is the home controller an...
asked by 19.01.2017 / 11:25

Go through a method on all routes of all http methods except two

Basically I want to make all routes that come from any http method (get, post, put, ...) first pass by a method that will check if the user is authenticated, but this method should not be called when the user will authenticate (method POST...
asked by 02.06.2018 / 19:19

How to edit the routes created by the make: auth command?

I have a project in Laravel where I used the make:auth command to create the views , routes, controllers and etc from a registration form. I need to change the view that is used by default in login to a view that I create...
asked by 06.04.2017 / 20:05

Is there an online service that makes requests in a given url? [closed]

I need to make a GET request in a url every 5 minutes. Is there a free service that does this?     
asked by 01.12.2016 / 16:42

PHP Built-in and htaccess - Routing System / Friendly URL

I have a .htaccess file for route deviation on the server (production) and a router.php file for route deviation using the PHP 7 Built-in server. php -S router.php However, I would like to use router.php also in production, w...
asked by 19.10.2016 / 20:21

Routes in separate files

How do I put routes in separate files? var express = require('express'); var App = express.Router(); var Notas = require('../api/notas'); App.route('/notas') .get( .post(Notas.create); App.route('/notas/:id') .get(Nota...
asked by 31.10.2016 / 13:46