Questions tagged as 'restful'


What is the best method to do login authentication in android and webservice php RESTFul?

I'm building an application that needs login, I've already created the webservice in php using Slim. I'm currently using a POST, passing a json with email and password to the webservice to return the corresponding user's json, but I believe t...
asked by 06.09.2015 / 19:12

Cross-Domain Application Security Doubt

I have a question regarding the security of cross-domain applications ... It is as follows, in case I have a hybrid APP that will run on a smartphone and will make requests ajax cross-domain to an api (in this case multiple .php...
asked by 16.06.2016 / 05:44

"Can not read property" after an http.get request

Hello, how are you? I have the following problem. I'm making a RESTful request (http.get) and I'm writing the received object into a variable within the $ scope. However, when I try to access this variable inside the controller I get the foll...
asked by 20.10.2016 / 04:48

Secure REST Authentication in PHP

I am wondering how to work with system authentication using restful. In my case there will be user / password and permissions / hierarchies for the user, and until then as the most interesting solution found in searches was the work with token,...
asked by 20.03.2015 / 13:00

When to use the http patch method? [duplicate]

I did some research on the PATCH method, and I saw that it makes partial modifications, but I did not really understand when to use it and what its difference to PUT . I'm looking for a practical example of how / when and why to use the...
asked by 25.04.2016 / 22:15

How to work with associative table with additional attributes in REST?

Imagine that you have 3 entities: Student, Discipline and Student Discipline. The AlunoDisciplina entity, in addition to relating Aluno to Disciplina , also includes other information, such as the student's final grade. So...
asked by 25.02.2015 / 20:53

Customize URI templates using OData

I'm working on a project that contains the Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.OData package, which offers a simplified implementation for OData V3 support, just use the EnableQueryAttribute attribute in the methods or classes where we want...
asked by 14.08.2018 / 16:23

Accentuation problem when consuming WebService on Windows Server

   Correction I'm having an accent issue when consuming WebService on Windows Server. I have apache-tomcat-7.0.63 installed on windows server 2008, and as SGB, PostGres 9.4 and with Java 8. The error happens when I run out of NetBeans. That...
asked by 01.02.2016 / 13:01

Simultaneous calls in RESTful service

Hello, I am having doubts on how to make fun calls (about 100) simultaneous on a REST service. The code example I have is the following: using (var http = new HttpClient { BaseAddress = new Uri("some url") }) { using (var httpContent =...
asked by 13.09.2017 / 05:52

How to create POST, PUT and DELETE method in Grails application?

I have a Grails 2.4.2 application that I want to communicate with another application, and this interaction should occur through a Rest service provided by Grails. Today the way it is implemented I just inform .json at the end of the URL that it...
asked by 18.08.2015 / 20:06