Gentlemen, I'm having trouble displaying a list of results in my view.
The idea is, when I click on a value from a dropdown, I make an asynchronous query to populate the next dropdown.
I would refer to the controller by the Ajax.ActionLink me...
I'm working on a project to learn ASP.NET MVC and Razor. I currently have a post template with a view , and a view associated with the model class comment to create a new comment. I would like to know how to do to put the view comm...
I have the following modal and need to include validations so that the textarea is required when clicking the "Yes" button, that is, it can not be sent blank, and that textarea is at least 15 characters.
@model TClient
I would like depending on whether my ActionLink was visible or not.
Razor :
@Html.ActionLink("Cadastrar site","MontarFancyCadastrarSite", "ItemOS",
new {ChaveOS = Model.ChaveOS }, new { @class = "siteFancybo...
I have a View , where the user must fill some fields, and have a last field that I left it disable , and I would like this field to appear the user name, however how do I fill in?
Model :
public class CombustivelModels
I'm having trouble understanding when to use @Html.ActionLink or javascript:document.getElementById('Comercial').submit()
For example:
<a><i class="fa fa-home"></i> Home <span class="fa fa-chevron-down">...
I have a page that correctly lists my records. But I have Html.BeginForm for each line,
@model IEnumerable<Generico.Dominio.TB_POSSIBILIDADE>
ViewBag.Title = "";
@if (Model.Count() > 0)...
I have a form that validates the fields when trying to send information, but I have a "novapagina" option where I would not like to validate the fields, would that be possible?
In views
<div class="container droppedHover">
I have the following code in my controller :
public JsonResult List(string nome){
IList<ClienteDto> clientes = string.IsNullOrEmpty(nome)
? _repositoryCliente.Get()
: _repositoryCliente.GetByName(nome);
var mo...
I have the following difficulty.
My address class has TipoEndereco , wanted to mount a dropdownlist
Do I set up a list in the controller?
Can I get her in the view?
Thank you.