Questions tagged as 'r'


R Studio Layout Problem

I just installed R Studio and it's not the same I see in all the tutorials on the internet with four windows. Instead it looks like this: Does anyone know how to fix it?     
asked by 09.10.2016 / 13:35

Fit models for calculating meta-regression in R Studio

I started using R Studio a short time ago to do a meta-regression analysis using the mada package. I need to create a fit template for each variable and after creating 6 templates the R started to give an error saying that it is not finding the...
asked by 15.06.2016 / 15:55

Including Confidence Interval on a Line in an Array

I want to create an array of 38 rows and two columns with coefficients in the odd rows and the confidence intervals for the parameters in even rows. Then call stargazer . My code is: library(quantreg) y <- rnorm(200) x <- matrix(...
asked by 04.08.2016 / 20:54

Transform class inside packet

I have an array and I want to transform it into another specific class of a package, rgeos , I put @import into the package, I give library to it too, but when I check this error, p> a = matrix(1, 2,2) as(a, "gpc.poly") Erro...
asked by 29.06.2016 / 22:36

Error in output of the optimum function when creating a regression structure

When running the simulation below I get the error at the end of the code, can anyone help me solve it? #Valores iniciais dos parâmetros usados para gerar t #Ou seja, Valor verdadeiro dos parâmetros beta0=2 beta1=1 alpha0=3 alpha1=1 truevalue=c...
asked by 21.05.2016 / 19:48

How to make ROC-inverted AUC curve in R?

Good evening I need help making the ROC curve in R. I am using the following command: library(ROCR) pred <- prediction(predictions = banco$ic, labels = banco$SM) perf <- performance(pred, measure = "tpr", x.measure = "fpr") plot...
asked by 10.07.2016 / 04:47

How to transform numeric variables into strings in R (0 = NO and 1 = YES)?

1 I have a data sheet where 0 = No and 1 = Yes. When I try to create a table of this variable the following appears: ] How do I make the function prop.table to the pie function of the pizza chart recognize these variables as YES and NO?...
asked by 22.03.2016 / 01:01

Concatenating column when it should only read an entry [closed]

I'm using the following code: library(data.table) setwd("/home/andre/monografia/") ; getwd() obj = read.csv(file = "Grup1C0.csv"); tes = obj[4,4] View(tes) The path that is in the position [4,4] of the object "obj" is a string of 45 char...
asked by 04.03.2016 / 01:13

Overlay graphics with ggplot2?

I'm learning how to use ggplot2 and would like to make a graph and then overlap a point in it. For example: set.seed(1) a = data.frame(X1 = rnorm(3), X2 = rnorm(3)) g <- ggplot(a, aes(x = X1, y = X2), colour="black",...
asked by 12.04.2016 / 23:19

What is the utility of lexical and dynamic scopes in r?

In the Chapter 6 of the book Advanced R there are definitions of the lexical and dynamic scopes. However, I did not understand the utility of knowing these concepts in r . Thus, What is the usefulness of lexical scope in r ?...
asked by 05.01.2019 / 21:01