Questions tagged as 'qtgui'


How can I create a 20-number Banners look on the Jframe

It is a game where your bet will be competing for Sena, Quina and Quadra, so each bet can only have 6 numbers, I need the user to select 6 numbers out of these 20 and then I pick up the 6 selected ones and place his bet . But I just need this B...
asked by 03.12.2014 / 16:11

Qt calling the method in another class

I am calling a method from another class after inserting data. But this is returning an SQLite error: QSqlDatabasePrivate::removeDatabase: connection 'qt_sql_default_connection' is still in use, all queries will cease to work. QSqlDatabasePriv...
asked by 28.08.2015 / 01:06

Returns the previous month of a date entered in Qt

How do I return the previous month of the date reported in Qt, does it have any function in QDate that does this? I found only the one that adds addMonths . Example: Month 04 reported returns month 03.     
asked by 06.04.2015 / 17:46

How to leave a transparent window using Qt?

I'm developing a college job at Qt . I would like to make the background of my application transparent. I researched a little and the function I found was: this->setWindowOpacity(0); However, Qt applies opacity to the entire...
asked by 15.05.2014 / 08:08

Which component to use in PyQt4 to display records of an SQL query on the screen?

I'm developing a graphical desktop application in Python using PyQt4 (Qt Designer), my doubt is about which component to use to display on my screen frmTelaPesqAluno records of a SQL query, and how to use it? It is a component similar...
asked by 30.08.2015 / 20:46

What is the difference between the qApp quit and exit methods?

I'm testing the example Getting Started Programming with Qt Widgets and found a call from a method to exit application: void Notepad::on_quitButton_clicked() { qApp->quit(); } I took a look at the other methods and found one that a...
asked by 03.06.2015 / 17:45

Printing TableView data with QPrinter

How can I get the data of a TableView add in layout html and print with QPrinter ? Code: QString html; html = "<div>Titulo</div>" "<div>etc</div>" "<div>etc</div...
asked by 22.03.2014 / 17:33

Button executing shell script

By clicking the Save button, I wanted the contents of the text box (which I typed or pasted into plain text ) to be inserted at the end of a certain text file that exists in my home. This process I currently do with the following script in t...
asked by 19.09.2014 / 00:08

Background and icon in tableView

I'd like to know how do I add a tableView to the background and icone property? I can already add the Background is now missing the icon. Code: class tableView : public QSqlTableModel { Q_OBJECT pub...
asked by 27.03.2014 / 02:30

QT: How to prevent changing the contents of a QTableWidget

The title of the question says it all: How can I prevent editing a given column from a QTableWidget ? I've been researching and I think the solution involves using some flags , but I could not come up with a solution.     
asked by 18.07.2015 / 20:30