In an application developed in Qt I have a non-visual class (that is, it is not inherited from a QWidget ) but it handles text strings that must be presented to the user. To use the Qt translation engine, I defined all strings using the...
I'm creating an application using QML and Qt 5.2 . In it a ListView displays multiple items, each with an image and associated text. The image is built based on data uploaded from a server by HTTP . In a simplified way, I have the fol...
How can I format a float into the Brazilian value (price) format?
Example: in php number_format($float,2,',','.') separates the decimal with comma and the unit of thousand with point.
I have an application that manages a list of images of human faces with prototypical emotional expressions.
I've created a class inherited from QAbstractListModel to provide the data access model (model), and I'm using two...
I'm trying to use the QMediaPlayer and QVideoWidget to display a video on a system I'm producing. Except that these class rays do not work as expected. QVideoWidget simply does not appear, does not display the video, do...
I need to know how to make each circle collide with the other along with what I'm going to do to follow that direction after that collision.
This is the program's main window class:
class canvas : public QWidget {
I need to optimize to the maximum the algorithm that makes the collision between the particles, is there anything that can be done for this? And I also want to add a background image, is it possible?
Follow the code canvas.cpp:
I recently installed Qt Creator and OpenCv. I was able to quietly compile the separate QT and OpenCv. But I can not compile them together. My .pro file looks like this:
# Project crea...
Work with C and a little assembly on Atmel AVR microcontrollers. I'm trying to understand how the framework extends C ++.
I created a new project with Qt Creator (Widgets), and generated the following code:
While learning programming at a reasonable time, learning C ++ with QT, I came across something I had not seen in other languages. I noticed that some (not all) objects need to be created with an asterisk preceding the name. For example: