What are the differences between Tuple and List in Python ?
>a = [1, 2, 3]
# [1, 2, 3]
>b = (1, 2, 3)
# (1, 2, 3)
The Tuple , grotesquely speaking, is a constant that accepts List ?
I did the conversion of the file tucha.py to exe following the instructions and with the following setup.py:
from cx_Freeze import setup, Executable
name="tucha EXECUTABLE",
version = "1.0.0",
description = ".py to...
What I want is in a single templante bring these 2 forms simultaneously, in separate pages works, but the two together still could not do. Do I need to do an intermediate form? Am I doing wrong at some point?
... forms.py
from django import...
I'm having a problem with applying temeracy to django. Apparently this is all right however my html child is not rendered in the template
<!doctype html>
{% load static %}
<html lang="en">
<meta cha...
This program aims to show a certain type of file you have in a folder. But it's giving the following:
erro: WindowsError: [Error 2] O sistema não pode encontrar o arquivo especificado: 'pythonteste'.
Could anyone help me solve this problem...
After activating virtutalenv the pip does not work, I get the following error
wilker@debian:~/Documentos/Git/Curso Django/Blog$ source bin/activate
(Blog) wilker@debian:~/Documentos/Git/Curso Django/Blog$ pip freeze
bash: /home/wilker/Document...
I made the following command in php
$comando="C:\Python27\python.exe programa.py";
echo $comando;
in the python file
print resultado;
This result variable has the content formed in json
Good afternoon guys, I'm good, a doubt!
I'm using 2 Apps in django admin
App1 = Registration
App2 = Controllers control
I imported the app1 model, the "Person" class into the "Scholarship" class, but it only takes the "Name" attribute a...
Hello, I'm doing an algorithm in python that makes the product between two arrays,
but I'm having trouble displaying the resulting array
matriz = []
linha = []
linha2= []
matriz_result = []
result = 0
lista = []
nlin,ncol= map(int,input().spli...
I am trying to use getch of python to get the key the user pressed, but without pressing anything it is returning " b'\xff' ", and if I use ord(getch()) , it returns 255. If I can help thank you.
from msvcrt
import getch ke...