Questions tagged as 'python'


NodeMCU does not receive data as I send via UDP Protocol

I'm developing a simple application, the goal is to simply send the reading of a sensor connected to an Arduino NodeMCU to a Raspberry PI, and perform a similar reading using Raspberry and send to the NodeMCU. Basically, both are inside the s...
asked by 10.06.2018 / 01:44

Configure unittest in vscode

I am not able to configure the Visual Studio Code unit testing feature. The extension goes on to say that no tests were found: Myargumentsettingisindefaultmode,ie:#//Argumentspassedin.Eachargumentisaseparateiteminthearray."python.unitTest.un...
asked by 04.05.2018 / 22:58

Accumulating URLs in DJANGO

My urls are piling up. When I pass via tag a[href="exemplo"] it sends to url http://localhost:8000/index/ , but if I click again on some other link on the same menu, it will redirect to http://localhost:8000/index/outroloca...
asked by 18.05.2018 / 17:05

Python: Tkinter. Execute button

Dear friends, good evening! See if you can give me an idea, please! Problem to solve: I created the TKINTER interface for my program. This interface is in a separate file of the code. I would like the 'Rename' button to make the prog...
asked by 24.04.2018 / 00:38

How can I use the OpenCL functions available in OpenCV?

I'm creating a program in Python, which often ends up requiring more CPU and I've researched how to use the GPU for processing. The OpenCL bases I found had C ++-only examples, and still not very explanatory. In those days I discovered that from...
asked by 07.05.2018 / 19:49

Browse dates and other dates in Python

Good morning, I have a database in Mongo DB like this: { "_id" : ObjectId("5addb57d0043582d48ba898a"), "base" : "EUR", "date" : "2018-04-23", "rates" : { "BRL" : 4.175076 } { "_id" : ObjectId("5addb57d0043582d48ba898a"), "base" : "EUR", "...
asked by 14.05.2018 / 12:54

Error deploy Heroku app Django

After deploying on Heroku, I opened the link in my application ( link ), and it displayed the following error: ProgrammingError at / relation "Produto" does not exist LINE 1: ..., "Produto"."criado", "Produto"."modificado" FROM "Produto" ....
asked by 23.05.2018 / 15:28

How to store information in a file in Python (write)?

Hello, I'm writing a program in Python with a code I have in Fortran. I'm having a problem writing this fortran: do i=1,n write(3,350)r(i),(ener(j)*alfa,j=1,6) !meV end do I tried to write this way in Python: file=open("energia_nll2_R50A...
asked by 17.04.2018 / 15:32

Program uses the threading module but I did not notice any parallelism in the execution. What's wrong?

I made a script to decrease the quality of some mp3s by calling the ffmpeg program through the subprocess module. I added Threads thinking of doing the process in parallel for several files at the same time. The program works but I have seen NO...
asked by 10.04.2018 / 02:14

Error trying to install watson_developer_cloud

I'm trying to install watson_developer_cloud using pip . After some time and after some dependencies to be installed I get the following error:   c: \ users \ eu \ appdata \ local \ programs \ python \ python35 \ python.exe -u -c "impor...
asked by 03.05.2018 / 19:46