In case, I want to transform a list of a column into a 3x3 array in numerical order:
lista =([[1],
Being the expected result:
([[7 8 9]
[4 5 6]
[1 2 3]])...
Because pygame does not have a library-like function SFML - > View , I'm developing a "camera" format to scroll the screen and preserve the positions of the objects within the general coordinate within the "world".
As default for...
I need to read test cases in the following format:
3 1 2 3
4 52 2 1 87
10 51 32 1 36 21 34 32 12 34 45
200 (... 200 numeros separados por espaço)
and so on, where the first number indicates the number of numbers to come later. Each line is...
I'm doing a program that will hold numerous inserts in the mongo (about 500,000).
But I realized by doing some tests, that the more entries in the mongo I have, the more time consuming the insertion.
My code:
def savePostRecommendation(uid,...
The figure is cutting the subtitles, how do I get it?
# Libraries
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Make data
group_names=['0,89% - Tração Animal e Propulsão Humana',
'45,08% - Passageiro e Misto',...
I have sometimes been able to call functions that are further ahead in the program. However, it takes hours to find a way to do it. What is the easiest way? Ex:
def paintball():
print "Olá"
def adeus():
print "Adeus"
I just need to send a command from one process to another, but I wanted to understand why when modifying the variable within a function, it does not appear in another function.
from multiprocessing import Process
import time
ComandoSerial =...
When I debug a code in Pycharm (Shift + F9) and make some changes, it is not recognized during the same debugging session. I am required to restart the debug again for the changes to be acknowledged.
Is there any way for Pycharm to recognize...
What is the function of the name of the classes inserted inside the parentheses of the constructor __init__( ) , in classes Telefones , TiposTelefone and Agenda ?
This is just a code snippet from Chapter 10 of "Int...
I have a Dataframe where I'm making the difference between two different dates to get the difference in Hours and Minutes, for example:
data_inicial = '2018-07-03 16:03:00'
data_final = '2018-07-05 00:00:00'
duracao = data_final - da...