Questions tagged as 'pycharm'


Why does not Pycharm show the methods of a class?

I want to know why Pycharm does not show the methods of a class by pressing control + spaço. IDE's usually show all methods present in the class. In the image below I show you what IDE suggests to me of methods for any class.     
asked by 15.06.2018 / 15:26

How to stop in a breakpoint after x passages in Pycharm?

Within Visual Studio, I can determine for the debug to stop at a breakpoint set only after a specific number of times the program passes through it. However, I can not find the same within Pycharm. Would anyone know how to do this?     
asked by 05.10.2018 / 03:51

List in HTML table separated by category

I'm in a development using Python and Django and as IDE the pycharm. I have a list coming via Rest by mobile, under the name 'Athletes', and comes with the columns "name", "category", "time". I would like to list these athletes in an HTML...
asked by 20.08.2018 / 18:50

Error in pycharm

Good morning, In the following example, And I'm experiencing the following error in pycharm: /home/brito/projetos/venv/saj_projects/bin/python /home/brito/projetos/saj_projects/exemplos/me/ Traceback (most recent...
asked by 10.07.2018 / 17:09

How to install websocket-client python through windows 10?

I'm trying to install ws client through windows and I'm not getting it, I did this in cmd >python -m pip install websocket-client and got the following result:    Requirement already satisfied: websocket-client in   c: \ py...
asked by 11.04.2018 / 21:40

Error in calling a Python application (+ OpenCv) in Visual Studio 17 (C #)

I'm trying to make a "control panel" that each button will call a Python application (+ OpenCV) but when I run it through the PyCharm IDE, or straight from the folder, it runs perfectly, but when I make the call through Visual 17 , it appears th...
asked by 09.04.2018 / 05:01

PyCharm IDE on Windows

I have the custom of using PyCharm over GNU / Linux, and by force majeure I will have to use it on Windows. The problem is this: When running the python program through the IDE, a python crawler, the program does not end. It's like you're w...
asked by 28.02.2018 / 15:56

How do I print the location (row and column) of the largest value inside an array?

Good morning, I'm not able to complete my code, I've already used the For i in range and the for j in range, but I can not complete the code because I need to store the result in another variable and then see if the results are greater than the...
asked by 16.06.2016 / 14:25

Why does PyCharm not recognize modules and classes created by the user?

Hello, I'm new to python and I recently started working with the PyCharm IDE Community version. About IDE, I really liked one of the best IDE's I've ever used. However one problem I have identified in it is that it does not recognize the modules...
asked by 11.12.2017 / 12:03

PyCharm condition error

I'm getting condition error in PyCharm. It was working normally minutes ago. I already closed the program, but it did not solve. valorProduto = float(input('Qual é o valor do produto de compra? R$ ')) modoPagamento = input('Deseja parcelar ou...
asked by 29.12.2018 / 00:50