Questions tagged as 'primefaces'


Error in converting JSF

Error or Bug? Hi, I have an error appearing on the eclipse console, on the registration screen the form writes perfectly, everything ok, but the console points: java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "Selecione" at java.lang.Nu...
asked by 14.05.2015 / 21:54

Error using required inputs on Primefaces

I have some Primefaces inputs inside a Wizard , showing just one of them: <p:inputText id="inputTitulo" value="#{editalBean.edital.titulo}" required="true" requiredMessage="Informe um título" label="titulo" /> It happens...
asked by 08.02.2015 / 19:43

jpql filter without using the filter of primefaces (with its own method)

Changed to probable solution but still not working, it seems that the line with ajax is not updated. <h:body> <h:form id="formTableProd"> <ui:composition template="/templates/master.xhtml"> <ui:define name="con...
asked by 24.07.2014 / 03:00

RequestContext as null

I'm trying to update an on-screen component with RequestContext of primefaces . However there are 2 situations where the first one is I click on a link and the page gives its refresh. The second situation is where I have a scheduler...
asked by 30.03.2017 / 01:32

Dynamically update a primefaces table

Hello, I'm creating a java master with Primefaces. I have the following problem: I have a screen in xhtml and the same loads the data, so far so good. The problem is when someone on another computer is accessing at the same time, you will not be...
asked by 06.11.2016 / 04:13

Download with primefaces 5.3 after 5.1 migration does not work

I'm migrating from primeface 5.1 to 5.3. It was meant to be simple, just change the version in maven. But it's not quite right The p: fileDownload command no longer works <p:commandButton id="exportarArquivo" icon="ui-icon-print" valu...
asked by 09.03.2016 / 13:18

My List is not updated correctly with bank data

I have a dataTable and a button that selects the object on each line of dataTable . When I click this button a Dialog is opened with some data and a Send button, when I click on that button, the selected line is edited in the...
asked by 26.06.2015 / 13:29

Get components that are inside an xhtml file

In a facelets (xhtml) source code of primefaces, I want to extract all <p:inputText> tags. After that, I want to get the label attribute. How could he accomplish this? Remembering that the components have different filled-in...
asked by 13.02.2014 / 15:31

dataTable calls a dialog for editing, but editing does not take effect. (prime faces 5.1)

I have a WEB application with 5.1 primefaces of a datatable I call a dialog for editing, but editing is not done. I will describe with images and at the end put the full xHtml. I have a p: datatable where I created a button for editing. Th...
asked by 29.12.2014 / 13:25

SelectOneMenu is not sending the parameter to the Bean (Validation Error)

In XHTML, my SelectOneMenu is giving validation error at the time of Issue: <p:selectOneMenu value="#{relatorioProdutosLogsBean.usuarioSelecionado}"> <f:selectItem itemLabel="Selecione" itemValue=""...
asked by 06.10.2015 / 03:26