Questions tagged as 'primefaces'


Change style FacesMessages

As shown in the figure, FacesMessages has the following default formatting: Is it possible to change the background and font styles?     
asked by 05.10.2016 / 19:40

JasperReports report with multiple parameters

I have a report on JasperReports , it is working correctly. However the way it is, I only pass one parameter of each% of the page% jsf to the report, the screen is conformed to the image: WhatIneednowis,tobeabletosendmorethantipo,forex...
asked by 24.09.2016 / 03:11

How to internationalize the timeline component of primefaces?

I'm using the timeline component of primefaces. Timeline Primefaces While using the "locale" property, it is not rendering in Portuguese. <p:timeline id="timeline" value="#{timelineView.timelineModel}" height="auto"...
asked by 28.09.2016 / 14:47

Display complete modal string

I'm using Java, JPA, Wildfly and Primefaces. I have a table that displays text, but this text is being cut in view by table size. I have to create a boon that calls a modal to display the full text. table row has its button to display its detail...
asked by 24.08.2016 / 21:18

id problem already exists in view

Hello everyone. I am having an .xhtml file that is giving an id error already encountered in the preview. The error itself is GRAVE: JSF1007: Duplicate component id frmSearch: id found in preview. I searched the internet for this error b...
asked by 31.08.2016 / 02:23

Problem with the confirmDialog component of the firstfaces

In the view of my java application I have a commandButton that should open a delete dialog, but clicking the delete button does not show the dialog. The code is: <ui:composition template="/WEB-INF/template/LayoutPadrao.xhtml" xmlns="http://...
asked by 16.08.2016 / 04:47

Prohibit duplicate registration

Hello everyone. I have a program that works with user registration. In this program I would like to implement a function that prohibits cpf or email registration that already exists in the database. As a database I'm using postgreSQL and Java...
asked by 24.08.2016 / 06:27

Search field

Hello everyone. I am putting together a program that has the user registration function. The program is done in Java, xhtml and I'm using PrimeFaces to generate the visual components. In this program there is also a search screen to search the r...
asked by 08.08.2016 / 00:00

Working with associative tables

I want to add to a table the users who have registered a team. So that in future you can list all the teams of a certain user. But I have the following problem: In my persona_time table I can not get the id of who is creating the team nor the...
asked by 04.07.2016 / 18:20

Call a method via datatable rows

Given my datatable below: <p:dataTable id="tabela" var="linha" value="#{naturemb.lista}" paginator="true" rows="10" rendered="#{not empty naturemb.lista}" > <p:column styleClass="botoesGrid">...
asked by 14.06.2016 / 00:10