Questions tagged as 'postgresql'


Error saving TRichEdit Delphi content in PostgresSQL

I have to write formatted texts in the PostgreSQL database, when I load RichEdit it shows the normal text, but when I save and I will look in the database the characters look like this:    屻 瑲 ㅦ 慜 獮 屩 湡 楳 灣 ㅧ 㔲 尲 敤 晦 笰 晜 湯 瑴 汢 屻 て 晜 睳 獩 屳 灦 煲...
asked by 30.04.2018 / 22:06

Zeos does not let another user make changes to the database!

I'm using the Zeos 7.2.4-stable component with PostgreSQL in DelphiXE, I was using the SVN version and it was ok, but as it comes to SVN it can sometimes give problem, when I updated SVN it started to give a few medium errors crazy, then I decid...
asked by 04.05.2018 / 15:06

download / print file saved in postgresql database with php

I uploaded a file to the postgresql database with the OID column type. With the code below I can view / open the file in the browser, but I intend to download and / or print this same file on the printer with php. The files will be of any extens...
asked by 26.04.2018 / 20:20

My inserts are not being saved

I installed a postgres cluster using pgpool on docker containers, link . I can connect to pgpool and make insertions and other normal sql commands. psql monkey_db -h localhost -U monkey_user -p 5430 But when I try to connect the da...
asked by 26.04.2018 / 17:34

How to change the ip of docker-file to run on different machines?

I installed this cluster of postgres using pgpool here on my machine: link So far so good, but everything is running locally and I want the cluster to run on several different machines, so I will create several different machines to inst...
asked by 27.04.2018 / 16:36

How to pass the variable in postgres using dbblink

Oops, good morning! I have the following query in postgres: declare $1 VARCHAR; BEGIN IF (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tempo2 WHERE looping IS NULL) > 0 THEN $1 = (SELECT banco FROM tempo2...
asked by 17.04.2018 / 15:51

Create GRANT with condition

I have a table CONDUCTOR (columns: name, cnh, address, portfolio_points) and a GRANT analyst. The analyst can only access data from drivers who have more than 0 points in the portfolio. Grant select on driver to analyst with GRANT OPTION;...
asked by 18.04.2018 / 20:50

write images to the postgresql database with php

I want to upload images via the browser to a postgresql database using php. I tested with lo_import but it gives me an error indicating that it has to be through superuser on the server side. Any suggestions? My table: create table tabela a...
asked by 11.04.2018 / 21:44

json_array attribute empty while persisting in DB

Good Galeri. I have a curious problem when using DoctrineFixturesBundle. I have an Application class of type Entity Class that maps to the system table. In this class there is an attribute called options which is of type json_...
asked by 20.04.2018 / 02:11

How popular in database to perform tests?

I need to popular this database to conduct test queries for educational purposes. I already have about 5 students, 2 teachers, but the problem is to popular the exercises manually. Is there any more practical way?     
asked by 13.04.2018 / 13:51