Questions tagged as 'postgresql'


Tables / Temporary content in the bank?

Situation I'm wanting to manage a process using the resources that database offer, as INSERT , UPDATE , DELETE . However, this process is temporary, that is, I have to generate tables and data that, once the connection is...
asked by 22.01.2016 / 11:48

How to do an update with a join?

Hello, I'm new to the forum and need help with PostgreSQL DBMS. My question is the following, in the following code used in the MySQL DBMS the execution happens perfectly, because in PostgreSQL it shows an error. MySQL Code: UPDATE user...
asked by 25.03.2016 / 23:59

Encryption with Java and PostgreSQL / MYSQL

Hello I have a question in my college project, in scope it says like this:  "Users and passwords can be stored in the database, using the bank's own encryption." Is the crypto in both default by MD5? In that case I need to use the MD5 crypto...
asked by 28.07.2015 / 19:16

SQL command return [duplicate]

I need to select in my database all printers that are compatible with a particular selected supply, for example, the 155 code supply that is called 50FOZ00 . I make the query below to select all supported printers: SELECT supriment...
asked by 02.08.2017 / 14:27

how to sort by line number in a query in postgres?

To populate the grid of a view I'm using the database, initially I put the table ID to be the index of the view, however when some record is deleted from the database the index does not become sequential.     
asked by 16.11.2016 / 15:23

Problems with slow Delphi and FireDAC

I have an application developed in Delphi XE and it has been a month since I changed the entire persistence structure that used ADO to FireDAC. In the compatibility of the new persistence component I used the version of Windows 7, and in the...
asked by 17.12.2013 / 11:55

View "View" from Postgres in Mysql. It's possible? How to make?

Is there any way to view a View created in Postgres and view it in MySQL? If yes, how to configure?     
asked by 01.09.2014 / 20:26

Select for days of the month returning 0 when there is no record of that day

I have a database of company calls, for example let's say that the table has only: -- TABELA CHAMADO -- id (id do chamado) inicio (data de inicio do chamado) id_criador (id do usuário que abriu o chamado) -------------------------------------...
asked by 05.09.2018 / 17:03

Table Update in PostGreSQL

I have the following question in Java: how can I pass to SQL that it should capture the "date and time" of the computer and update the User Table in PostGreSQL? Follow the code below: public class UsuarioAtualizar { private Connection...
asked by 29.11.2015 / 15:18

Start and tear down test bank flask

I'm doing a test of api, that I pass a json it validates me if everything went ok: My base class: # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # import os import unittest from app import initialize from mock import mock from flask import Flask from fla...
asked by 22.03.2017 / 21:49