Questions tagged as 'polymer'


What is Google Polymer?

I've seen some recent studies on foreign websites about this Google Polymer , but I still do not understand where it should be used, for example in a mobile application. I did not find Brazilian blogs or websites containing information about...
asked by 06.07.2014 / 02:11

Web Components - What is the difference between Polymer and ReactJS?

With the advancement of the web, we now also have the web components. Google has created and maintains a framework with Polymer name, although it does not have much compatibility with several browsers. At the other end we have Facebook's R...
asked by 23.07.2014 / 22:02

How do I add customElements support for Opera 12?

I'm working with customElements, but I've been having a problem with Opera 12. So far the best I've been was to use x-tags but the same as only support document.register and this differs slightly from the W3C API , another drawback...
asked by 31.01.2014 / 06:08

How do I use the symbol tag in place of the g tag in iron-iconset-svg?

I'm trying to set an iron-iconset-svg using using the icons with the symbol tag instead of using the g tag and the icon is not rendered. In all documentation and references on the internet the SVG is used with the tag g. There is Here's some...
asked by 29.07.2015 / 20:01

Filter through the href

Well, I'm new using Javascript and I'm having some difficulties. I have a box that has 6 links, this is involved in a dom-repeat, that is, there are many 'boxes' with 6 links inside. I need to check if there is a link within each box, if it has...
asked by 18.06.2018 / 14:38

Google Polymer and ANGULARJS (2016)

Good afternoon. Does anyone here use Google Polymer? If so, do you have any experience to tell about its possible integration with AngularJS? According to Angular himself: "The key feature of Angular JS 2.0 is its support for Web Components [...
asked by 02.07.2016 / 16:30

checkbox in dynamic array field

I found a code in one of the questions in the forum, function criarTabela(conteudo) { var tabela = document.createElement("table"); var thead = document.createElement("thead"); var tbody=document.createElement("tbody"); var thd=fun...
asked by 31.03.2016 / 00:06

How to get the value of several items and change according to my if

I have a list of items (which comes from the database), I need to compare each item from one of those and if the value is 0 change the text. Below is the function I am trying to use to change the value of the item. function isFree(){ var p...
asked by 12.06.2018 / 14:25

Lock the mouse scroll in JavaScript

I made a program using polymer and within one of the components in a specific area (the legend area of my graphic) I want the scrolling page not to work, is there any way to do this?     
asked by 27.02.2018 / 18:21

this. $. id only returns undefined

I'm using Polymer 2.x, I'm trying to preload the page, I made a div with a load gif and I'm going to get it with setTimeout ... But in the script when I use the function $. load it returns undefined. Could anyone help me put display none in div?...
asked by 27.08.2018 / 18:34