Questions tagged as 'pl-sql'


What is the most efficient way to connect an Oracle DB to a MySQL DB [closed]

Having the following scenario: a simple telephony application "writes" to a Mysql BD and a BD Oracle needed from time to time to look for information in this BD MySql. Has anyone done this yet? What would be the best practice? ps Actua...
asked by 26.06.2015 / 18:29

How to copy column data from one table to another table

I have a table named UC which has an email column, and I have a table backup of it. I need to copy the data (emails) from the email column of the backup table to the email column of the uc table, however I do not k...
asked by 23.05.2014 / 18:28

What is the difference between COALESCE and NVL?

In Oracle when we have a table that has two campuses A and B, and in selection ( select ) we want to show B when A is null we have two commands that present us with the solution: Coalesce Select COALESCE(A,B) Teste from TabelaTeste...
asked by 10.11.2017 / 18:11

Uncaught TypeError: object is not a function. Clone html and Back button [closed]

I'm having a system problem where I need to make a back button and thought of a function to clone using and a function for the back button. But the problem is that when I log into the system I go to a menu and when I click on an option it...
asked by 02.02.2015 / 13:16

Select cities with the same name in different states

I have the table (result of a query) with the cities and their respective state ... ...Nowyouonlyhavetodisplaycitieswithequalnamesanddifferentstates: How do I do the command?     
asked by 08.12.2017 / 14:02

Read a DBMS Procedure in ADVPL

Is it possible to read a DBMS Procedure in ADVPL (TOTVS language) handling the return of a Cursor? Is there an object? The bank in question is Oracle. create or replace PACKAGE abc IS TYPE abcCursor IS REF CURSOR; END; create or repl...
asked by 06.10.2017 / 23:57

Implement Triggers in Postgre

Can you implement a trigger to work in a column that is present in all database tables?     
asked by 28.10.2017 / 19:50

Pass text in pl / sql to uppercase

I have many create table, sequence, and etc scripts, however everything is in lowercase, which the colleague did. Deleting line by line and capitalizing is unproductive as there are over 1000 scripts to change. In SQL Server I select and give C...
asked by 23.02.2016 / 13:28

Why using a column of a virtual table makes a SQL in Oracle slow

Good. Not wanting to make the subject too "gassy" but just wanted things to investigate in the environment. I have a SQL that uses a virtual table, for a series of reasons that does not come much to the case. Something like: select *...
asked by 18.01.2017 / 01:09

Conversion and grouping of rows in columns dynamically in Oracle

Context:    I have a Project with several Versions of applications that will be   developed, each Version several Requirement of New Functions   (NF), each NF with several Codes changes in various Repositories.   In addition, these NFs...
asked by 18.12.2015 / 21:08