I have the following problem:
- I can not execute a job (Scheduling) after an insert retrieved by the trigger.
Line 2: ORA-04092: Not possible on a trigger ORA-06512: in
"SYS.DBMS_ISCHED", line 135 ORA-06512: under "SYS.DBMS_SCHEDULER"...
I have a problem: when I run a function direct on the database, no problem occurs but when I run in php , this error occurs:
ORA-06502: PL / SQL: numeric or value error: character to number conversion error
The problem is...
I have an APEX application from Oracle, and would like to make the option to generate a PDF file from the page database and save it to the machine.
Is it possible to do this using PL / SQL?
I'm working with PL / SQL.
Through REGEX, how do I find all expressions that are different from:
Thank you!
I want to know how I can:
validate domain using Oracle Package SMTP;
Can I validate a domain or even an email without having to send a email ?
I want to use an action close to "ping" to answer the question.
Thank y...
I have a base oracle and when I make a select of a specific field the information that returns has accentuation, ex: "RECEPTION"
But when I save this information in a text file using the UTL_FILE.PUT_LINE (FIELD) the information in the...
I have a record of
cd_multi_empresa NUMBER(8,2),
tp_atendimento CHAR(2)
vcAtendimento trec;
I need a registry vector, I used this and command:
TYPE TcAtendimento IS VARRAY(10) OF vcAt...
I'm using a record to store data:
TYPE TvcAtendimento IS RECORD(
CD_ESPECIALIDADE DsSch.especialid.cd_especialid%type,
CD_MULTI_EMPRESA DsSch.multi_empresas.cd_multi_empresa%type,
TP_ATENDIMENTO DsSch.atendime.tp_atend...
Good afternoon,
I'm using the PL / SQL developer tool, and in debugging I want to check the contents of a collection in oracle.
I saw that you have an option (when right-clicking) "View Collection variable", but I was not successful, becau...