Is there any way to do HasMany by bringing records by date?
public function despesas()
return $this->hasMany(Despesa::class); //registros apenas desse mês
I tried to use the following but did not scroll:
public functio...
I'm developing a mobile application that should contain the same site content, and the same database ( MySQL mobile application.
I believe that creating a direct connection from the mobile mobile to the remote database would be a securi...
I have a class that should be started with a% of properties.
$subscription = new CheckRenew([
'custom_2_id' => 13,
'email' => '[email protected]',
'zip' => '90530000',
'number' => '1234'
Good evening friends, what is the correct way to add these two value-dependent and adesao fields and display the total value in the input.
Adesao = 3.500.33;
Dependents = 90.33;
Total Correct: 3.590,66
Is there any software, preferably opensource, that manages the UML of a code already written in PHP?
The annoying thing is having to update the diagram every time the code is updated.
In script that I installed gave this error:
Deprecated: Function ereg () is deprecated in /home/u844214382/public_html/functions.php on line 98 Deprecated:
Code on line 98:
if (ereg("^[a-zA-Z0-9\-_]{3,20}$", $mensaje)) {
I have a web application in which there is a login and registration form, and from what I realized I can download the HTML from my site and send the request through my PC pointing to the site, so how do I check the origin of the form?
I'm trying to register a user but in his table there is a foreign key attached to another table.
My problem is that this foreign key is referencing the address table, but I do not yet have an address for this user, I want it to be able to reg...
I have the array $dados below:
array(5) {
[0]=> "2018-03-28"
[1]=> "jantar"
[2]=> "lanche"
[3]=> "2018-03-29"
[4]=> "lanche"
From this array, how could I mount another two-dimensional array so that it...