Questions tagged as 'php'


mPDF - Error generating PDF | Message: preg_replace ():

I'm using mPDF to generate the PDF: $this->load->helper('mpdf'); $this->data['dadosboleto'] = $this->boleto_model->GerarBoletoCEF($id_cliente, $data_inicial, $data_final); $this->data['view'] = 'boleto/bole...
asked by 26.11.2015 / 05:20

How to change the wordpress blog title in php?

I'm in the final stages of developing my blog in wordpress and a few months ago, when I started developing I put a título , but after a lot of research I decided to change it, because I found another similar one. mine is unique - so...
asked by 19.12.2015 / 01:28

Multiplication and sum of dynamic inputs

Note: Developed with Laravel 5.7. Note 2: This is the "New Order" view. The form will dynamically receive the products according to their previously registered items. Until then, okay! The user will bookmark the product and enter the desi...
asked by 13.12.2018 / 15:25

Insert array in bank with Laravel

I have a form that returns an array with the values: Número: {{Form::text('tel[]')}} Proprietário: {{Form::select('proprietario[]',['Aluno'=>'Aluno','Pai'=>'Pai'])}} Tipo: {{Form::select('tipo[]'['Pessoal'=>'Pessoal', 'Comercial'=>...
asked by 02.12.2015 / 13:03

Reload after update

I am making a status change in my database using $.getJSON , it works, but in return I need to update the div where the data is and I am not able to perform this task, see the code below: / p> <script> $(function(){...
asked by 03.02.2014 / 19:02

Calculate mod in php

How can I calculate 15,625 mod 23 in PHP only? I searched Google and other resources and did not succeed in my search, could you give me more information?     
asked by 09.02.2015 / 19:00

Sorting ASC and DESC without losing variable value

I am trying to perform a sort order of records on a page by firing a List / Menu, but when I fire it, I am losing variable values from a first selection. When I enter the products page, I already place a $ dep variable and show the result. Wh...
asked by 28.01.2015 / 14:46

How does the undeclared variable reference work in PHP?

In PHP, according to the manual, the reference of one variable is for one variable pointing to the same place where the other is in memory. I also saw that when we declare we refer to a variable that does not exist, it is created and set to N...
asked by 30.01.2015 / 12:00

How to create a page numerator?

I'm developing a "News" page with a lot of news, and it will only show 9 news stories per page, above that, you should go to page 2 and so on ... how do I do that?     
asked by 20.02.2015 / 12:46

Display database information securely

What kind of encryption should I use to encrypt a CPF in the database and then display that same (decrypted) CPF for the client in a secure way?     
asked by 16.02.2015 / 23:16