Questions tagged as 'phalcon-php'


Error compiling Phalcon on AWS Amazon [closed]

I tried installing phalcon php on Amazon AWS, I had the error below libtool: compile: gcc -I. -I/home/ec2-user/cphalcon/build/64bits -DPHP_ATOM_INC -I/home/ec2-user/cphalcon/build/64bits/include -I/home/ec2-user/cphalcon/build/64bits/main -I/...
asked by 01.05.2016 / 23:51

Nginx, prioritize folders instead of "location /"

I use PHP with the Phalcon framework in my projects and this is the framework. Mynginxlookslikethis:server{listen80;server_name123.123.123.123;root/var/www/;location@site{rewrite^/public(.+)$/public/index.php?_url=$1last;}locat...
asked by 06.12.2015 / 15:37

How to create sub folders for controllers, model and view in Phalcon?

I'm looking for a way to put folder levels in the models, views, and controllers framework. The structure I want to mount would be as follows: Ihavealreadylookedatandimplementedthis link but it did not work. The return of the error is as fo...
asked by 04.10.2017 / 20:53

Perform merge between views of two or more modules

I have a Phalcon PHP modular application. I am making an administrative interface to control which modules should be used in the system. One of the modules controls the application's default interface, while the others add certain functionality....
asked by 04.04.2017 / 19:52

Simultaneous Phalcon + WAMPP request problem

I'm creating an application that will run a SPA on the front end with VueJS and on the backend a webservice with Phalcon. I'm having a problem when I make two asynchronous calls simultaneously to the API (located on my test machine) I get the fo...
asked by 01.03.2018 / 18:00

Installation phalcon-devtools

Good people, I'm trying to install phalcon-devtools on xampp and I'm doing what the offical documentation says to do Here. I already configured xampp with the phalcon dll and I already did a mini project, but I wanted the devtools to hel...
asked by 24.10.2016 / 19:03