Questions tagged as 'parser'


Transform IMAP email body into String

I'm using imap-simple lib to get the emails from my inbox, I had no difficulty retrieving the data, but the body of the email is coming with formatting headers and a code. As I do not know much about email, I wanted to know how I can remo...
asked by 23.10.2018 / 22:40

I am having doubts on how to call 3 tags from XML file

I need to read a URL and through it, create an XML file and in that file call only 3 tags. It's just that this URL directs you to another link. Can anyone help me?!     
asked by 22.01.2018 / 17:34

How to transform mail object into Stream, Buffer or String?

I'm doing an email application and my server is being done in HapiJS, and I'm having trouble picking up the email and turning it into a String, Buffer, or Stream. I want to transform to these formats because they are the only ones that MailP...
asked by 28.08.2017 / 21:10

convert json data to string or array in php

I have this json and would like to know how to convert it to an arrag / string {'texto_mensagem': {'texto': 'Mensagem de envio'}, 'numero_celular': [{'numero': '5537988440956'}, {'numero': '5537988530808'}, {'numero': '5537988555533'}]} My...
asked by 13.07.2016 / 20:43

Receive an expression and compute in C

I'm developing this program that should receive an expression from the user and do the calculation. Ex:    Enter an expression       3 * 5-1       14 My problem is how to handle the expression sent by the user. It was recommended to...
asked by 18.02.2014 / 20:22

Make a parser of a page

I'm trying to get information from a page through the url. I'm developing in symfony and using simple_html_dom or Crowler. But I'm not even close to doing what I need. The page I'm accessing is this: Events SESC São Carlos What I want to...
asked by 22.01.2016 / 02:07

Filter information in an XML using C

I need to extract relevant information from an XML that has this structure: <ARTIGO-PUBLICADO SEQUENCIA-PRODUCAO="2"> <DADOS-BASICOS-DO-ARTIGO IDIOMA="Inglês" DOI="" FLAG-RELEVANCIA="NAO" HOME-PAGE-DO-TRABALHO="" MEIO-DE-DIVULGA...
asked by 02.12.2017 / 01:29

How to construct a basic parse to treat a sentence and extract an action contained in it that will be executed?

I'm trying to mount a simple parse to parse commands entered by a user into a game of type Text Adventure . However, I've never had experience with it and I do not know if the structure and types of words I'm using are correct. The class...
asked by 08.09.2018 / 23:46

How to read this text and separate the names of each person using Artificial Intelligence?

I have this text, I would like to read the names of each of the players. What would be the best way to read it? Is there any tool / language or extension for C # that will allow me to read this structure? Not a Regex, but something like the conc...
asked by 15.05.2014 / 23:44