Questions tagged as 'oracle'


Do select and do not return values that contain xxx

I'm doing the following select: SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM USER_TABLES ORDER BY TABLE_NAME; In this I have the name of the tables, the problem is that for each table I have a table_AUD, eg: PESSOA PESSOA_AUD DOCUMENTO DOCUMENTO_AUD I would...
asked by 11.04.2017 / 15:29

Error date_diff PHP

I am doing a test, with an Oracle database query (writing sysdate, result: 13/09/2016 13:24:44) and returning me in PHP. I need to calculate the difference in hours and I was trying the function below: $date_a = new DateTime($p_fim[$passo]); $...
asked by 13.09.2016 / 18:43

How does the Oracle Express Edition database work?

I would like an explanation about the operation of the Express Edition database made available by Oracle for students, because I created a table by the terminal and did an insert and that's fine, I closed the application, when I opened and I mad...
asked by 28.11.2015 / 21:38

DB oracle Closed Connection

Introduction I'm developing an application and I have to add data to an oracle database that is local. Using JDBC I make the connection try (Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:oracle:thin:@" + conexao + ":1521:xe", "system...
asked by 16.09.2014 / 23:08

Select cities with the same name in different states

I have the table (result of a query) with the cities and their respective state ... ...Nowyouonlyhavetodisplaycitieswithequalnamesanddifferentstates: How do I do the command?     
asked by 08.12.2017 / 14:02

SQL decode function applied DATES

I'm having a doubt, I need to do a select where I need to show if a customer's registry is active or not, in the database it is treated as follows, there is an exit date field if the field is blank the registration is active now if the registrat...
asked by 13.01.2017 / 18:05

Multiple results in a single record - Oracle

I have the following situation: I have a select where it returns me that the patient TEST passed in the clinic ABC, and performed procedure 01 and 02, but in the result of query it returns me thus < strong> bold text : Patient | Clin...
asked by 31.07.2017 / 18:31

ORA-00911: invalid character

I'm having trouble with OracleParameter, I could not find the problem, because I can not see the sql after the assignment of the parameters ... follow the code: private DataTable GetSearch() { string sql_work = "select w....
asked by 03.07.2014 / 15:01

Read a DBMS Procedure in ADVPL

Is it possible to read a DBMS Procedure in ADVPL (TOTVS language) handling the return of a Cursor? Is there an object? The bank in question is Oracle. create or replace PACKAGE abc IS TYPE abcCursor IS REF CURSOR; END; create or repl...
asked by 06.10.2017 / 23:57

Entity Framework with Oracle

I'm trying to use EF, using Code Frist, along with an Oracle database, so I'm using the Nuget package Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.EntityFramework , however whenever I try to run Update-Database it gives the following error message:    Sy...
asked by 14.07.2017 / 04:54