Questions tagged as 'oracle'


I can not perform select and update in the same file

I have a form that gets some variables and presents a table with the values selected, through the select it lists the information, all right. My problem is that with this information I would like to perform an UPDATE depending on the conditio...
asked by 19.12.2018 / 17:34

Error ORA-00942 TABLE DOES NOT EXIST occurring in System.Data.OracleClient. VB.NET

I have an application on using .Net Framework 2.0 . Below is a snippet of my application code: strComando = "SELECT CD_LOCALIDADE, NO_LOCALIDADE FROM COPAGIS_GDB.MUB_LOCALIDADES WHERE FL_IMPLANTADO='S' ORDER BY NO_LOCALIDADE" fsOa...
asked by 13.03.2014 / 15:14

Oracle Query Error

When executing the query below, the following error is occurring. By analysis, the error occurs when I place the sum. For what reason?    "ORA-00918: column defined ambiguously   00918. 00000 - "column ambiguously defined"   * Cause:   * Act...
asked by 14.12.2018 / 20:13

Wheel in eclipse but the project build with orjdbc7.rar jar does not work

Hello, how are you? I'm having trouble generating .jar from a Spring Boot + Maven project In Eclipse it runs smoothly But when I run the build with this command ./mvnw package && java -jar target/ff-back-boilerplate-0.0.1-SNAPSHO...
asked by 03.12.2018 / 22:22

Procedure in Package receive an array (coming from a cursor / function) as input parameter - Oracle

Good afternoon, I already have a certain experience with PL / SQL but I have now started working with the Oracle database and packages. I have a problem where my procedure in the package is getting two parameters and from there performing...
asked by 04.12.2018 / 19:25

Error executing a Trigger

I'm having the following error when executing my trigger, how could I resolve it? ERROR The error when I insert insert into the product-purchase table to calculate total INSERT into purchase_product (CPR_CODIGO, PRO_CODIGO, CPP_QTDE, CP...
asked by 10.09.2018 / 21:49

Doubts with ide Dbeaver

I'm using DBeaver with DBMS oracle . I wanted to make an average runtime to compare at the time of optimizations, but I'm in doubt, which means "688 row(s) fetched - 3ms (+20ms)" With this 3ms outside the parentheses and the 20 insi...
asked by 10.11.2018 / 12:05

Connecting Visual Studio 2017 with Oracle

I took a look at some questions, but I did not find anything like it, I'm three days trying to connect my oracle in visual studio, but it does not appear in the selection butisconfiguredinODBC Someone who has gone through this knows how...
asked by 08.11.2018 / 10:59

Exit code: 139 SQLplus plugin Jenkins what is this error?

I have a jenkins running for some time but I need to do the built-in builds with Oracle so I used the SQLPlus Script Runner, and this one has already been searched in several places but nothing gives me an idea of the reason for the error: Se...
asked by 01.11.2018 / 01:14

How to create a table in Oracle using foreign key

The situation is that I have a table called OS and I want to create a link from this OS table to the CLIENT, using the CPF column as FK. Where am I going wrong? I am editing the direct database of Netbeans data. The client table has already b...
asked by 25.10.2018 / 03:08