There are many basic things that I do not know, for example how to read exactly this exclamation in the following way:
if (!(periodoAnterior.Equals(dataReader["NOMEPERIODO"].ToString()))){
Can anyone explain me? And taking advan...
I am writing a function with the signature: int increment(int *val) . My intention is to get an integer pointer, increment its value in 1 and return that value.
The body of my function was as follows:
int increment(int *val)
I was seeing some solutions in JavaScript and in one case I saw this command line: return args.reduce((s, v) => s + v, 0); . But I do not know what the => operator means.
What's his role?
I was analyzing a code and found some operators I do not know about: | , & , >> and% with%. What is the functionality of these operators?
bits = h1 << 18 | h2 << 12 | h3 << 6 | h4;
o1 = bits &g...
I'd like to understand how bit shifting works in C / C ++ . I would also like to understand how the processor performs the calculations and how it handles all of this.
I have some examples in C / C ++ :
void USART_Init(unsigned int ubrr0)...
I'm studying Kotlin. I noticed that, in the conversion to type int , it is necessary to put the double exclamation ( !! ).
var input = readLine()!!.toInt();
Generally in other languages double exclamation is used to...
I was explaining to a friend of mine the difference between == and === in PHP and wanted to demonstrate this through the javascript console.
I was going to show him that in PHP, the following sentences would return TRUE w...
I often see several programming languages where a ternary operation is almost always identical.
(x % 2 == 0) ? "par" : "impar"
However, when I tried to do this in Python, it gave me an error:
(x % 2 == 0) ? "par" : "impar"
In PHP, when we are going to declare a array directly, we have the => operator.
I know that in PHP we have -> , which is object separator , but I needed to give the name to => and could not explain.