Questions tagged as 'operadores'


Use of & along with Operators and Functions in PHP

What is the meaning of using & with operators and functions in PHP since I checked in some libraries Example and functions this use (I am aware of the use next to variables has relation to the passing of pointers) $browser...
asked by 19.02.2015 / 12:57

Comparison of char in C

I need to find out if each element in a linked list is a vowel or not. How can I fix my code? int BuscaNv(LISTA* resp){ NO* atual = resp->inicio; while(atual){ if(atual->letra == 'a' || 'e' || 'i' || 'o' || 'u'){ pri...
asked by 04.09.2017 / 14:01

Subtraction of arrays

I have two arrays : A E B A = [1,2,3...] B = [7,5,1...] When I do this subtraction it has the correct subtraction return: console.log(A[0] - B[0]); But when I play in the loop it does not work: while (i = 0) { A[i] - B[i] }    ...
asked by 23.11.2018 / 12:09

What does the "?:" operator mean in PHP? [duplicate]

What does the ?: operator mean in PHP? Example: $a = 0; $b = false; $c = 3; echo $a ?: $b ?: $c; Result:    3 What exactly is it doing in the above expression? Is this a ternary? If not, what do you call this operat...
asked by 14.08.2015 / 22:53

How to store an operator?

I'd like to know if you have any way to save an operator to a variable, for example a = < if 5 a 5: pass     
asked by 12.02.2018 / 02:29

Difference between the 2 expressions?

int p=4,u=12; System.out.println(p=u); System.out.println(p=+u); I do not understand, what is the difference between the two expressions?     
asked by 16.01.2018 / 15:45

How this operator is not working in this code?

Code: var i = 0, finished = false; while( (i < acentos.length) && !finished){ Question: I have a bool variable getting false, and in my while I'm denying it. If I am denying a false variable, it will tr...
asked by 12.07.2017 / 03:36

do the multiplication of values using soma and while operator

var n1 = Number(window.prompt(" digite o primeiro número ")); var n2 = Number(window.prompt(" digite o segundo número ")); var soma; var num = 0; while( num < n1) { var num = n1+n2+n1; num++;...
asked by 18.11.2016 / 00:05

Overloading operators in C #

I have some doubts about overloading operators in C #. What is it for? Is your concept the same as overload in Java methods? Is there a practical example of doing this on a daily basis?
asked by 07.11.2018 / 19:56

Error performing LINQ query with equals at where closure

When you run the query below: public ActionResult GridViewPartial() { if (Session["cod_cli"] != null) { int cod_cli = Convert.ToInt32(Session["cod_cli"]); //var model = db.DadosTecnicos;...
asked by 31.07.2017 / 14:02