Questions tagged as 'node.js'


NodeJS running on Port 80 with Apache

Well, it is the following, whenever I intend to use I have to use some port, with that it makes that whenever I want to have access to the web page that works with the I have to go to: wwww.meusite .com: port. What I would...
asked by 23.03.2017 / 21:31

Use node.js or PHP with WebSockets?

Using WebSockets for my project, in the end was an extensive project with thousands of lines of code in PHP. As soon as I finished typing everything and "finished" they told me that running WebSockets with PHP is unfeasible for large-scale us...
asked by 06.10.2015 / 04:47

Promises as function return on node.js

I'm using the Sequelize.js framework. to perform queries on the database, the result of the find function returns an object with 3 methods: success , error and complete Ex: models.ItensPedido.findAll( {where : {...
asked by 13.06.2014 / 21:22

How to search for a device on an internal network using Javascript and / or Node js

I'm creating an application that uses Websocket to connect two devices to an internal network, but for this to be done, the user must enter the Node server address js into a text field so that it can be used to create a Websocket connection betw...
asked by 11.06.2014 / 05:39

Modularization of the schema using AdonisJs and GraphQL

I have a project where I'm using AdonisJS and GraphQL, I've created the schema and defined the queries , mutations , types . But everything was centralized in just one file, so I decided to modularize schema and resolvers . The problem...
asked by 22.11.2018 / 13:01

File upload callback with Multer - NodeJS

Hello, has anyone used the multer (express / nodeJS module) to perform file uploads? If yes how did you catch the callback events (onFileUploadStart and onFileUploadComplete)? Theoretically I'm using correctly but at no time are events called .....
asked by 27.07.2015 / 22:16

Problem with Session and Nodejs

I am creating a chat with node and session , but I have the following problem: the user identifies and enters the room there all right. I am testing on 2 different computers. When I do a refresh on the page it assumes the session of the...
asked by 03.07.2015 / 03:33

Check server uptime with Node.js

I'm doing multiple HTTP requests at a given time, and I want to check only the return status . There are paths that require login in the application but as it is a very basic script and is not interface test I do not find it necessary to use...
asked by 30.05.2015 / 21:25

JavaScript Image Manipulator

Is there any image manipulator similar to canvas or jimp to node.js ? Explanation of why you do not want to use either: So I was trying to use canvas as a test, and it takes a long time to compile the file, and...
asked by 03.09.2017 / 21:45

Async function javascript

I'm doing an API in Node.js and I have a function that I call through the post, but before I go to the precise repository I run the getProduto(idProd, produto) function, but it's doing console.log('produto -> '+ produto.nome); b...
asked by 08.11.2018 / 23:42