Questions tagged as 'node.js'


What is the real advantage of using a CallBack and what is thread / multithread?

It has a lot of explanation of what is callback by the net and even a few sparse examples, but nothing that explains in practice and in detail a really important use (I did not find it). I already understood a bit of how to use and even mad...
asked by 02.01.2015 / 22:48

What is NPM and Node?

The title of the question says it all. There are many articles on this, but in a clear and starter way, what is NPM in fact and what does it do? Like the Node? What do they contribute to website building?     
asked by 06.10.2016 / 11:55

Error executing container (Docker) with browser-sync

I get this warning when giving start on my container with browser-sync : [BS] Watching files... (node:1) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection (rejection id: 1): Error: Exited with code 3 Any ideas?     
asked by 10.10.2016 / 18:43

Real time with PHP

I am developing a system and soon I will have to start the part of interactions in real time (for notifications and chat). I am using jQuery , PHP and MySQL so far and I intend to continue with these technologies. I have a...
asked by 15.05.2015 / 22:02

What are the optimal usage scenarios for Node.js?

The theme is broad, but I'll try to focus on what I really need to understand. Lately I've been studying Node.js, and I've been amazed at the tool, in the comparisons I've seen, it seems to be a mature and effective tool. In many places, I s...
asked by 18.04.2016 / 15:40

How to perform unit tests on nodejs

I would like to do unit tests on Node.js , I am using grunt-jasmine , but it does not recognize the variable exports , module and nor required . Is there a way to solve this or does someone suggest a testing framewor...
asked by 11.12.2013 / 19:28

When to use module.exports or exports in Node.js?

I'm starting my study with Node and I came across the two ways to export something so that it is available with require , I would like to know what is the best way and why. Thank you     
asked by 20.03.2015 / 04:02

Filter locations in an area of X km

I'm trying to build a small project where I have a list of places and I can filter them according to a quantity x of km. Ex: Filter all places within a 5km radius of my current location. I have Json with some places in my city and when...
asked by 21.04.2016 / 14:50

Understanding the Node and Applications in real time

Since I first met CakePHP , I got used to programming with it, as it had a small learning curve and greatly speeded up development. For my recent application, I needed the data entered by the users to be monitored in real time in terms of th...
asked by 13.03.2014 / 15:12

How to publish application made in Node.js

Well, I'm new to Node.js, I was able to set up an example application, learned a lot of Node with Express, but I can not figure out how to publish the application to the linux server. Does anyone know how to publish? I would have to create a pro...
asked by 12.02.2014 / 20:03