Questions tagged as 'nhibernate'


To what extent is it not advisable to use an ORM?

I'm working on a very large system using .NET ( MVC) application requires a critical level of performance . To what extent is it worth using an ORM? Is there any tool that I can compare in terms of ORM's performance and pure SQL? I kn...
asked by 28.04.2014 / 21:38

How to save a cascaded collection in nhibernate without putting circular reference?

Always when I try to save an object with a collection of data mapped as HasMany I have to put a circular reference so that NHibernate can save this object cascade. For example I have the following mapping of the parent class. public...
asked by 12.12.2013 / 20:49

What would Take and Skip in Linq?

I'm doing maintenance on a system and found a GetAllQueryable() , which uses the Take() and Skip() method. Well, I do not know what they are, nor what they are for, I researched but I did not find anything in the documentatio...
asked by 17.06.2015 / 15:59

How to do "OR" between SubQuerys using LINQ C #

I would like to implement with LINQ C # (Using NHibernate as the following query : < return (from t1 in Session.Query<Tabela1>() join t2 in Session.Query<Tabela2>() on t1 equals t2.T1 where (from t...
asked by 12.05.2014 / 15:04

c # Nhibernate a different object with the same identifier value was already associated with the session

I'm at a time with this error and can not find a good solution. The recording of the objects works normally, however for changes it returns me this message:    Additional information: a different object with the same identifier   value was...
asked by 16.12.2016 / 18:07

Multi Banks / Cache / Client Layer

We are looking at ways to develop functionality for a system, which will be in C # .Net. I would like to hear opinions on how we can do this, if we can use some frameworks or something else. Access to multiple banks We need the syste...
asked by 21.09.2014 / 01:43

View SQL at runtime

Is there any monitor that shows me the sql script at runtime? For example, during the debug, I would like to see how the script was mounted by the following code: var q = (from proc in Sessao.Query<Processo>()...
asked by 28.03.2016 / 14:53

Using async with .NET Core and nHibernate

In the .NET Core I know that we have async and await to request async . So far so good, but many frameworks on the market are creating methods with the MetodoAsync() signature and have the method without being async M...
asked by 09.10.2017 / 13:33

Fluent NHibernate with multiple tables

I'm using Fluent NHibernate to help with ORM (replacing .hbm files manually) with a single class: User Class: public class Usuario { public virtual int Id { get; set; } public virtual string Nome { get; set; } pu...
asked by 23.12.2015 / 14:54

Map a field of type CHAR in the database to a field of type bool in C #, with FluentNHibernate?

In the database I have a ATIVO field of type CHAR(1) , where 'T' = true and 'F' = false . Now, in my application I'm getting around this problem with a "gambiarra", where I mapped my Ativo attribute to string...
asked by 02.04.2014 / 19:55