Questions tagged as 'nginx'


Website in PHP is downloading

I was trying to configure nginx's serverblocks (vhost), so I deleted the default file located in /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default and created a file with the name of my site, added these lines below: server { listen 80; root...
asked by 01.10.2015 / 01:04

How to redirect to application folder?

I use ROR with Nginx . How can I do what nginx redirects to the application folder? Instead of the /public folder.     
asked by 04.04.2014 / 16:29

Docker Container Does Not Start

I'm a beginner in Docker and I'm trying to create a development environment with ngix mysql and php using Laradock, I have Docker installed on my machine, I tried to follow the steps in the documentation Terminal Log $ docker-compose up -d...
asked by 06.12.2018 / 17:20

Slow Download Rate on Nginx Server

My question would be about how I can improve the speed for downloading files over 1GB on my server. My test:    My internet is 50MB and I can usually download any file with speed from 2MB / s to 3MB / s , but on my server reaches max...
asked by 18.09.2018 / 22:32

Enable Nginx authentication for a specific URL

I'm working with a control panel and need to put an authentication in the access to the admin folder. I already created the user and password, the configuration of nginx this way: server { listen 443 ssl; server_name localhost; root /usr/lo...
asked by 18.06.2018 / 15:10

Nginx does not start

I'm doing some tests with Nginx and I'm trying the error below when I try to start, how do I solve this? systemctl start nginx Job for nginx.service failed because the control process exited with error code. See "systemctl status nginx.servic...
asked by 16.06.2018 / 23:37

Nginx disconnecting two subdomains

Hello, I'm having problems with two subdomains, I checked the tail I found this error: 2018/06/15 13:02:11 [error] 13456 # 13456: * 807 connect () to unix: /var/run/php7.1-fpm-esf.sock failed (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) while connecti...
asked by 15.06.2018 / 16:08

Friendly URLs Nginx

I'm trying to create a friendly URL on my server, I previously used Apache with this htaccess : RewriteEngine ON RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php?subtopic=$1 After s...
asked by 09.03.2018 / 19:22

NGINX proxy_pass application for root site

Good afternoon, folks, I have a server with docker swarm running in production, where my nginx is playing the role of reverse proxy for microservices. Everything is working perfectly, but I always come across the following problem with nginx....
asked by 19.02.2018 / 18:24

How can I not log specific IP actions in Nginx?

I'm getting thousands of IP connections from this IP in my VPS: - - [17 / Dec / 2017: 16: 31: 17 -0200] "CONNECT HTTP / 1.1" 400 172 "-" "- The connection is already blocked (error 400), but my access.l...
asked by 17.12.2017 / 20:40