Questions tagged as 'mysqldump'


Backup of all tables except one

In MySQL we can perform terminal backups as follows: Database mysqldump nomeBaseDados > meuFicheiroBackup.sql Table mysqldump nomeBaseDados nomeTabela > meuFicheiroBackupDaTabelaX.sql How can I back up all tables in my nome...
asked by 17.10.2014 / 21:28

Dump all banks for a specific user

I have the plant652 user who has 54 databases and I need to back them all up. How to do all one time in CentOS 6 with cPanel?     
asked by 13.09.2018 / 14:23

Automatic backup with MySQL [duplicate]

Is it possible to perform automatic backup in mysql? Example: I target a folder which Mysql will generate every day at 6:00 PM the database backup.     
asked by 21.08.2017 / 20:34

Backup by mysqldump line by line

I am using mysqldump to export only the data from my database, but when exporting, it shows only one line with all the inserts. Is it possible to do one record insert per line? Ex: INSERT INTO TABELA() VALUES(); INSERT INTO TABELA() VALUES();...
asked by 17.10.2016 / 22:26

Low memory after mysqldump

I've been noticing that after running mysqldump, the server's free memory gets too low and is not released immediately. The command I'm using is mysqldump --default-character-set=latin1 --add-drop-table --single-transaction basededados1 >...
asked by 26.10.2018 / 12:20

MySQL DUMP with large base mto (BLOBs)

I need to make a DUMP from a giant base, it has more than 500,000 PDFs loaded into it in a BLOB field. > Is it possible to do a DUMP from such a database and restore it without any problems? If yes, how? Do you have any details? I tri...
asked by 08.11.2017 / 19:33

how to restore MySQL database

I tried to do the following to restore the database: root@m9r9w9gae3 [/bkp/var/lib/mysql]# mysqldump -u root -p nomedobd > /home/nmedobd.sql or: root@m9r9w9gae3 [/bkp/var/lib/mysql/nomedobd]# mysqldump -u root -p cfellini_wp > /home...
asked by 04.08.2016 / 05:20

Avoiding dump for MySQL users

For a specific MySQL user, is there a way to lock it so that it does not do the Data Export (DUMP) of a specific table, or the entire database? I could not find a solution ... How do you deal with this? Thank you!     
asked by 11.02.2015 / 12:58

Accentuation problem when doing mysql Dump in C # (latin1 and utf8)

I made a program in C # that does dump in mysql, it's very nice, it selects the database and dumps it alone, making an sql file on my computer, and I just need to move up the bank later where I want it. BUT I'm having a problem uploading the b...
asked by 16.10.2018 / 14:53

How do I keep MySQLDump table names in upper case?

My system was in DBF x Clipper in Windows and I used table names and capitalized fields, today I needed to reactivate an old system that I ported to PHP in Windows now in Linux, it happens that MySQLDump imports the base and How do...
asked by 12.03.2018 / 19:38