Questions tagged as 'mysql'


Divide a date into two parts

I'm making a calendar using MySQL, html, JS and PHP. This calendar is for reserving the ballroom here in the building. There may be two reservations the same day, morning and afternoon that would be "00:00 to 11:59" and "12:00 to 23:59"....
asked by 29.12.2015 / 18:44

How to add everything in MYSQL

How do I add all of a table in MySQL for example .. I have the table tb_comment , so I want to add in each post(id_mark) the amount of rate that will have the total. For example, id_user 20 has the rate of 4 in id_...
asked by 11.12.2015 / 23:15

Enable and disable a form edit button - with PHP

I have the following situation: I have a page (ex: EDIT.PHP) that will be where the information that was previously registered by a form (User Registration Form) will be edited. The question is, at the end of this EDIT.PHP page, will it have a s...
asked by 17.09.2015 / 21:34

make select only by the month of a given column - mysql

I want to do select with the condition that the column has a given month, and only brings results this month. I was doing this, but it did not work. SELECT * from funcionarios where dataEntrada = month(10); I'm using mysql workbeanch   ...
asked by 13.09.2015 / 03:07

Is it possible to store an ArrayList in a Java Database?

Given Banco de Dados using Java , can you store a ArrayList object in Banco de Dados MySql ? If yes, how can I store this type of data? And how can I retrieve it from the database? If possible, could you show a simpl...
asked by 02.03.2016 / 02:44

How can I check if a table is empty?

I want to check if a MySQL table is empty (no record) with PHP, how can I do that? What kind of consultation do I make to make sure of this?     
asked by 20.10.2016 / 05:42

how to query data in a table that is not related to another table?

I have the following tables: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS 'categoria' ( 'id' INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, 'nome' VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL, 'descricao' VARCHAR(100) NULL, PRIMARY KEY ('id')) ENGINE = InnoDB; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS 'veicu...
asked by 22.11.2016 / 14:28

Is it indifferent to use SQL Server or MySQL with PHP?

I'm setting up a medium project and I'm going to model the database, then create the tables, the procedures , and the database itself, of course. I would create everything with MySQL, but by already messing with SQL Server, I thought I could us...
asked by 22.07.2016 / 19:47

How to do ranking with PHP

Well, I have a problem, I know how to pull the ranking and everything. My doubt is that I'm going to pull the 6 with the highest score, and I wanted the top 3 to have a different background, like: Whats the first thing: yellow; O second...
asked by 26.07.2015 / 04:17

Problem with bindParam - PHP

I'm having problems with bindParam, could anyone help me? I have a code for user registration in the bank ... <?php require_once 'init.php'; // Pega os dados do formulario $nome = isset($_POST['nome']) ? $_POST['nome'] : null; $nascime...
asked by 28.12.2016 / 01:18