I'm not getting the full amount.
Bank Valuesthatareinthebank:R$70,88$70.88Valuethatappears $210Valuethathastoappear R$212.64Code<?php$numerocontrato=trim($_GET["numerocontrato"]);
$consulta = $DB->query("SELECT sum(...
I have the following arguments:
//passo o valor para a variavel sómente se o get existir
$valor_pesquisar = isset($_GET['pesquisar'])?isset($_GET['pesquisar']):'';
$valor_pesquisar = $_GET['pesquisar...
I have a project in laveral 5.3 that I am building an administration.
I already have the whole database structure set up. I want to now login with fields of username and password . You will not have public login, just login....
How to perform a complete deletion of the structure of a mysql database?
I need to delete all entidades , tabelas , procedures , I want to be only with the name of the database, without any table or data or anything e...
I need to build a SQL query that lists the
amount to be paid per km, the quantity
used and the total amount to be paid for
each lease
It is a SELECT and inner / left join exercise but I do not know how to relate LOCATION to TABLE.
I'm just having a little difficulty, because the data is only going to the same table, type and a part is duplicated.
Well all the code is query, form and javascript.
ini_set('display_errors', 'On');
//Criar a...
I have a terrible problem, I can not update mysql via PDO, with array coming from some form fields. I've tried a lot and so far I can not do the update. The array comes in this format.
[id] => Array
[0] =&g...
Why do not you UPDATE in the database? The code does not give an error but does not update.
elseif ($op === "atualizar")
//Atualizar arquivos
$id = $_POST["id"];
$nome = trim($_POST["nome"]);
$tipo = $_POST...
I have select normal
SELECT campos FROM tabela_Z WHERE condicoes
I would like to query add a field that is another query .
(SE houver o id X na TABELA _, = true, caso contrar...