Questions tagged as 'mysql'


Error in query in bank with Linq

Good evening! I'm trying to perform a query on a mysql table, using linq, and present that result in a gridview to the user. I have the table below: I'm not looking for all the columns in this table, just a few for this I'm using the code be...
asked by 09.06.2014 / 01:46

In a repetitive structure are there differences between working with Object or Array?

When I query the database by PHP and want to return that data with while , I usually use fetch_object() , which returns the data in type object . For example: $query = "SELECT * FROM TABELA"; $exect = $conn->query($query);...
asked by 14.12.2015 / 12:03

Add previous row in mysql

I have a launch line, in which this line would need to receive the value of the previous line +1, some example of how to do this? Table structure: CREATE TABLE 'lancamento' ( 'data' VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL, 'descricao' VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL,...
asked by 04.10.2017 / 14:44

How to filter by cities States in Laravel?

I made a filter in laravel and it works perfectly but nevertheless it brings all the cities. It does not bring the specific cities of that state. I do not know if this filter has to go there in the laravel controller, how does it work for jquery...
asked by 04.10.2017 / 15:45

Insert MySQL PDO

Well, I need to do an insert and I use PHP OO, however, how should I do this? According to my code it is registering, but it is not working perfect. Am I doing something wrong? You do not get any error messages, just say you are successfully...
asked by 24.08.2015 / 16:07

Delete repetitions within the While

I have a search that takes the 3 most relevant results in my DB, and then I separate the categories of those 3 results into an array within a While, so it looks something like: while($x = $x->fetch()){ $array = explode(',', $x["categoria...
asked by 11.10.2016 / 19:31


I'm building a query where I search for results within the concatenation and got enough to ask for help. I currently use MySQL with the PHP application. In the example below, I look for the words "F1000" and "GRID" in a concatenation of colum...
asked by 06.01.2017 / 12:52

See What is the Employee Salary on a Certain Date

Does anyone know what a query would look like for a given employee's salary on a given date? The salary readjustment history table for each employee has the following fields: MATRICULADATASALARIO_ANTERIORREAJUSTENOMEADMISSAO_DATASALARIO_F...
asked by 14.09.2017 / 20:50

Login does not work

First time here, I got a code ready adapted for my college work, however the login does not verify, accept anything that you put. Create login <div id="nav"> <div id="sup_direito"> <div id="login">...
asked by 14.06.2016 / 06:13

Updating Mysql table using sqlSave in R

I'm new to R and I'm trying to add new tables in the database, the problem is that it always shows this message: Error in sqlSave(connection, dado, tablename = "teste", rownames = FALSE, : unable to append to table ‘teste’ Where: dado =...
asked by 17.04.2015 / 14:54