Questions tagged as 'mysql'


How to insert / retrieve image in MySQL database

Would you like to know in a clear and simple way how to insert / retrieve an image in the MySQL database? I'm using FireDac to connect to the MySQL database. I have a JPEG image and want to save it to a MySQL database and be able to restor...
asked by 17.01.2016 / 16:05

I can not execute a query within a socket event using node.js (, why?

Here's what I did initially: var http = require('http'), express = require('express'), mysql = require('promise-mysql'), mysql2 = require('mysql'), parser = require('body-parser'), path = require("path"...
asked by 04.02.2018 / 19:17

Update query data in php

I've been looking at dozens of topics, but I still can not find a solution. I created a form that shows the data of the database table and when the data is changed I need to update the table row. This is the code I have but does not do th...
asked by 07.02.2018 / 13:22

Photo upload system, there is no name in database, but the image goes to the folder inside the server

Hello, I'm trying to upload images to my site through a php, with the script I can play the img inside the folder I want inside the server, however in my database n it appears that a file was added , below are the images of the lines, there was...
asked by 01.02.2018 / 20:08

Json does not return with UTF-8

I'm trying to turn the array from Mysql into a Json so I can use it in AJAX in> but whenever the bank returns some field that has accents the json is not returned, however when decoding it using utf8_decode () json > is returned witho...
asked by 01.02.2018 / 19:48

constraint on a primary key - SQL

I am having a problem understanding what the intent of this code below is when placing a constraint to create a primary key for a foreign key. CREATE TABLE Customer( IdCustomer integer PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL IDENTITY(1,1), NmCustomer v...
asked by 31.01.2018 / 18:38

First time using commit () and rollback ()

Good evening Personally, I use the code below to do two transactions on the bank: $sqlinsert = $mysqli->prepare("INSERT INTO tbl_pessoafisica(cpf,senha,nome,email,celular) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)"); $sqlinsert ->bind_param('sssss', $cpf,$sen...
asked by 01.02.2018 / 02:55

Xampp MYSQL does not work

The following error is occurring with my mysql. MySQL Service detected with wrong path Change XAMPP MySQL and Control Panel settings or Uninstall/disable the other service manually first Found Path: "C:\Program Files (x86)\MySQL\MySQL Server...
asked by 31.01.2018 / 19:39

Does not insert table

I have this code: <?php $servername = ""; $username = "xxxxx"; $password = "xxxxxxx"; $dbname = "xxxxxxx"; $conn = new mysqli($servername, $username, $password, $dbname); $conn->set_charset('utf8'); $data = $_POST['Data...
asked by 01.02.2018 / 18:40

CommandButton does not register in SQL

I'm having trouble with my code, when I make a record of a new vehicle, it says that the vehicle is not being instantiated and is returning null. Here are my settings: DAOLayer:publicvoidadicionar(Veiculoveiculo)throwsSQLException{StringBuilder...
asked by 01.02.2018 / 18:36