Questions tagged as 'mysql'


Return a Result set from a storedeProcedure MySql

Good afternoon. I have the following storedprocedure in MySql ..: DELIMITER $$ CREATE DEFINER='ricardo'@'%' PROCEDURE 'teste2'() BEGIN Select * from Tabela; END How do I call this storedprocedure by DELPHI 7 ? I'm using the ZEO...
asked by 22.09.2018 / 21:42

"Fine tuning" in SELECT for a ranking system

I'm having difficulty using MySQL. I've been asking here already, and I've done a lot of testing and progress in crafting a select for a ranking . I have a "player" table that holds among other infos, nome_jogador and pontuacao...
asked by 12.02.2016 / 02:16

Select Indicator, Indicated and Indicated Indicated

Save, people. I have a table in MySQL where each record has the member's CPF and the indicator's CPF (who indicated it). I'm trying to select both the indicator and its indicators. For example: I indicated A, A indicated B and B indicated C....
asked by 22.09.2018 / 19:02

Send value "0" or "1" from the checkbox to the database [duplicate]

I have the table "Cd_Comments" in the mysql database, with the column "comment_id" "user_id" "text" and "anonymously" I want to make a system for a site, where the user will comment, and if you have checked the checkbox "send anonymously?" it...
asked by 28.09.2018 / 17:31

Cumulative count per month

I'm having trouble getting a cumulative count in mysql. I need to count the amount of active registration accumulated in each month. Table: id | data_cadastro | data_exclusao ---+---------------+-------------- 1 | 2018-07-01 | null 2 |...
asked by 29.09.2018 / 16:47

Google Maps API is not working in my application

Good night, I have a project of a system that I'm developing, where I have a Google Maps API that brings the list of addresses queried by an autocomplete to the system user. This should happen in a modal, but this modal has some dynamic fields t...
asked by 29.09.2018 / 01:34

Selection does not display data on the screen (php and mysql)

<?php class categoria { public function selecao($pesquisa){ require_once 'conexao.php'; $con = new conexao(); $conn = $con->conectar(); $sql = "select * from categoria where nome LIKE '%$pesquisa%'";...
asked by 19.09.2018 / 05:47

My HTTP request (GET) is not running in ngOnInit () - Angular 6

I have a CRUD on angle 6 that connects to node and mysql. When I access the homepage the getQuotes () function loads all the data I need. When I access the screen to update a record and perform this update I'm forwarded to the home screen, but t...
asked by 25.09.2018 / 19:50

Error when listing records from MYSQL table

I'm doing a Crud here for my system, I created a function for it to query the database giving a SELECT and returning the records The strange thing is that some columns are already displayed, others are not If anyone has any idea of what ca...
asked by 17.09.2018 / 22:56

Persisting project teams

In a project management system we have the "Users" and "Projects" entities. Iwouldliketoevolvethisbasicstructureintoastructurethatwouldinvolveteams.Example:Project1has3members.Whatisthebestwaytomaintainthisstructure?Wasthis?Whereauserwouldcr...
asked by 18.09.2018 / 04:46