Questions tagged as 'mysql'


Show data from the mysql database on a php / html page

I have a problem while displaying data from a database table on the screen. I was able to show the data but I can not skip the line, show the data sequentially, code below.      $sql = $connection->query("Select * from usuarios"...
asked by 13.09.2018 / 21:17

Best method for categories via php and mysql [closed]

I'm creating a system with php + mysql. It's a type of social network. I'm in the planning part of the database and have a question about the best way to record, for example, the individual's abilities. Example: Name: Fulano Age 30 Skil...
asked by 13.09.2018 / 01:11

Open connection more than once in C #

I'm developing a service in C #. calls a function to check if it has active records. If I have a record I call another function to select the data for the first query. When I run my service, the connection error already occurs. So be...
asked by 24.10.2018 / 18:53

Sort query by relevance MYSQLi

How could you make the query below sorted by relevance and then by date? $query = $mysqli->prepare( "SELECT 'id', 'titulo', 'foto', 'descricao', 'slug', 'data', '' as 'local' FROM 'noticias' WHERE MATCH ('titulo', 'descricao') AGAINST (?) U...
asked by 12.09.2018 / 16:38

Error 500 after deploying Laravel application using MySQL on Google Cloud Platform

I have a Laravel application using MySQL 5.7: link In my local environment it works perfectly. I followed this tutorial , but the result is a 500 error. I also made a second attempt following YouTube's video and the same error is also...
asked by 12.09.2018 / 20:07

Consulting in Eloquent

I have a script in laravel which in eloquent I need to put a condition in eloquent instead of selecting all as it is, I need to select it according to the id of the user. I checked that I should use Event :: find instead of Event: all (), but...
asked by 19.10.2018 / 19:34

When adding user, always gives ERROR but ends up adding

Well, I have a problem that is as follows: in a form to add the user I fill in everything and add the user, but the message appears:    ERROR: "Try Again". How can it add the user but display an error message. I leave here the code php...
asked by 09.09.2018 / 12:27

Php Post Approval System

I'm creating a medium post approval system in "Gambiarra", what I did is, when the user posts, it gets value '0' in the 'Status' table in the database. So I have a restricted page for the site's adm, on this page I have a loop that displays th...
asked by 15.10.2018 / 16:03

PHP - Receive the ID of a value via select option $ _POST

Good afternoon guys, I've been developing a code and packaged a part. I need to get a value to register it as fkid from a table. I have this part of the code: <td><h3>Vincular Conteudo</h3></td> <td col...
asked by 01.09.2018 / 23:19

Convert PHP data to save in Mysql database [duplicate]

I need to receive a date using the datapicker as dd / mm / yyyy and switch to the accepted format in the database (mysql). I have the accessor methods (Getter and Setter) in them I applied this function date and the strstring to convert:...
asked by 08.10.2018 / 17:29