Questions tagged as 'mysql'


Return array inside json [closed]

I have the following function in Laravel/QueryBuilder public function getEstudante(Request $request) { $estudante = DB::table('estudantes_identificacao') ->leftJoin('estudantes_telefones','estudantes_telefones.estudantes_...
asked by 22.07.2018 / 15:45

In mysql what kind of field is suitable for storing weight in grams?

I have this question, what kind of field do I use for weight as 0.900, 1.200, 2.000, 0.100 and can I treat the fields as number in the query output?     
asked by 25.03.2018 / 18:14

Insert with ajax in onclick

I would like to make an insert from onclick with ajax and already bring the result to the text of this button. Exemplifying is a button to enjoy in case each click adds +1; function curti(id,identify){ var base = 'idd='+id; $.post({ url...
asked by 24.06.2016 / 22:19

Using the mysql soundex function with parameter like

How can I use the mysql soundex function as a parameter like for example I have a people table with the name Poliana Mendes Silva I want to search with soundex all the "polianas" of the bank ignoring the rest of the name     
asked by 05.08.2016 / 05:59

Problems passing ID to MODAL window

I have a page with a table that lists the necessary information and in it several buttons like delete, change, display. The problem is that when I click on visualize (it calls the MODAL) it should list a detailed information regarding that selec...
asked by 04.08.2016 / 19:44

Offline and online PHP application [duplicate]

I wanted to know if it is possible, and if so, what technologies can I use to create an application that runs offline and when the user has a connection to the net, the data is taken to the server automatically? >     
asked by 19.07.2016 / 22:21

Query in table with self-relationship

I have the following table containing auto-relationship between columns category and parent: idcategoria categoria pai 1 Camisetas 0 2 Regata 1 When an added category does not have a parent category, the column...
asked by 16.12.2014 / 21:04

How to separate the data from a GET request and insert into the mysql database with php

I have a question form with several questions, after the respond person has a save button that sends the answers and questions to the salva.php    Follow the get (url): salva.php? data_cadastro=2017-07-08 & cli_id = 1 & cli...
asked by 07.08.2017 / 19:08

How to keep 'order' column in sequence even after an edit of the order of records?

I have a table with n fields, one of which is the 'order' (obviously it is sequential: 1, 2, 3, n ...): id | ordem | nome ------------------------ 1 | 1 | Fabio 3 | 2 | Gilmar 2 | 3 | Rodrigo 9 | 4 | Marcos...
asked by 28.03.2014 / 17:32

PHP is not displaying array result

I'm with the code: <?php $d = json_decode($output); ?> The $ output variable sends jSON data to PHP. For you to understand this variable better, I will post the return of it object(stdClass)#1 (6) { ["nome_1"]=> string(14...
asked by 27.07.2014 / 22:57