SELECT * FROM eventos ORDER BY Datainicio DESC
I'm sending this way to my mysql database, the first time I try to organize data by date, can someone tell me why my events are not sorted?
I've set up a series of SQL but I'm having difficulty generating something that stresses less the server, I ask for help from you.
Follow SQL:
SELECT '2015-06-10 00:00:00' AS 'Hora', COUNT(id_contato) AS 'Total' FROM contato WHERE data_hora...
I have a code that takes the data from the database and shows it in a table. I need only the first two records to appear. For this I put a limit on my code. But it is not limiting, but taking the total and decreasing by the number.
EX: $th...
I posted a site on Locaweb: .Net + MySql + MVC 4 + EF6
For more details on the error: link
Detail: Location runs normally.
But when I published, the following occurs:
'Cannot perform CAS Asserts in Security Transparent methods'
Hello, I have a news system and I wanted a message to appear when I did not have any news in my database.
$news8 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM 10cms_noticias WHERE status = 'Ativo' ORDER BY ID DESC LIMIT 8") or die(mysql_error...
Good morning, I would like to know if anyone could help me by showing me how I can display the price and quantity of parcels on a product detail page (product.tpl) in prestashop. Example: 10 x of $ 10.00 . If anyone knows thank you right away....
SELECT COALESCE(tb2.numero_novo, tb1.numero_original) as numero
tb1.numero_original = <PARAM> OR tb2.numero_novo = <PARAM>
The above query generates a full table scan. How to optimiz...
I need to query my DB when returning from a insert , but I'm not able to implement it. I have this in return:
function( json, textStatus, jQxhr )
Is there any method of fetching data from a server by putting it directly to a page without having to use a basic javascript example: ??
setInterval(function() {
type: "POST",
url: "retorno.php",
data: 'id=1',...
Whenever I restart my PC, my Wamp does not open Mysql .
I have to reinstall and I end up losing my seats.
The wamp server opens, but the icon turns yellow.
This happened after I installed Python / Django and Nodejs . I do not know which one...