Questions tagged as 'mysql'


How to do a select depending on some conditions that comes by parameters in laravel 4.2?

My problem is as follows .... I have a route that receives the year and month to get some information in the bank. When the month does not come I need to make the sum of all the months of the requested year. if($month == 0){ $dbRegis...
asked by 26.01.2018 / 11:32

MySql for Excel

I make the connection to the DB, loads but when editing the folder is password protected. I tried to put the DB code and nothing. Has anyone had this problem, could I give a help?     
asked by 26.01.2018 / 11:45

mysql query problem

I'm having a problem while doing a mysql query. I want to select the id and name of all the presents, except those that are already in the reservation table. SELECT DISTINCT tb_presentes.id_presente AS value_id, tb_presentes.nome...
asked by 26.01.2018 / 16:40

Is it better to repeat field or join to access the relationship?

Hello, thinking about performance and also good practices, what would be the ideal in this scenario? 3 Objects: - Company - Person who is representing the company - Visit (object related to a commercial visit of a seller) For me to display...
asked by 26.01.2018 / 16:04

Truncating data when inserting in bank

The system is in a common host with the following config: Apache 2.4.25 PHP 5.4.45 MySQL 5.5.58-cll It is intended to control O.S. and each user has a login with their password. During development and testing everything was OK, howeve...
asked by 15.12.2017 / 12:57

Queries with LIKE operator mysql

Hello! I'm having a problem while doing a search with like mysql. Mine table is type MyISAM, colation latin1_swedish_ci. I'm using php and queries using like are not returning expected results! If I search for example employees SELECT *...
asked by 18.01.2018 / 11:52

Avoid SQL Injection Login Form

Good morning, I'm new to sql injection security. I always learned only to validate the inputs and then use them in the query, always with mysqli_query and mysqli_fetch_array. I have the following code to check if the login is correct or no...
asked by 27.12.2017 / 09:53

Get data from a column in MySQL via POST and put in a TextView

How can I get data from a column and put it in a TextView? ? I tried this way: private static final String REGISTER_URL="http://localhost/teste.php"; private void register(String nome){ String urlSuffix = "?getinfo=" + nome; class Regi...
asked by 21.12.2017 / 15:14

How to add value to an input when pressing a link with jquery?

I'm having the following problem: I'm not able to set the value to a input when it's inside a function . Example: $(document).on('click',".edita_cliente", function(){ var id = $(".seq").val(); $.ajax({ url: 'php/li...
asked by 14.12.2017 / 00:21

Monitor Mysql server activities

I have a system (php and mysql) hosted on the network here in the company, installed in several stations. I would like to know if there is any command or tool to monitor the requests (queries) made to the MYSQL server? Something similar to SQLSE...
asked by 09.12.2017 / 16:55