Questions tagged as 'mysql'


Problem to add values in JDBC

The console gives me the following error:    FUNCTION workday. SUM does not exist. Check the 'Function Name Parsing and Resolution' section in the Reference Manual Can only sql be in my prepareStatement, help me! Dao method publi...
asked by 04.07.2015 / 01:21

Creation of index in table

I have a table that has 140 fields. From this table 45 items are important in a query. Every time user selects an item as true, my script mounts SQL as requested. In that case, should I create 45 indexes in the table or not? The data is today wi...
asked by 08.05.2015 / 22:03

YouTube url conversion system for embed

Good afternoon, I'm trying to create a system, where I get a url youtube form, convert to embed and save to a database. This is a classified site, I do not know if this is the best way, I did not want to spend a lot of space, so I opted for yout...
asked by 10.05.2015 / 21:27

Password verification with bcrypt in session and mysql

I have a user and password that are being saved in a session, only the password is being encrypted by the bcrypt function. How do I check if the password that is saved in the session is equal to the password that is in the mysql database that is...
asked by 14.04.2015 / 13:44

mysql_result equivalent in PDO

I am trying to pass from mysql to pdo but I do not understand how to pass that mysql_result to pdo, I appreciate any help available $limite = 10; $SQL_COUNT = mysql_query("SElECT COUNT('id') FROM anuncios WHERE categoria='$categoria' AND estad...
asked by 01.04.2015 / 18:54

Update tables with the same data in row

When I add a A category, and add a X product with the A category (categories table), after that it will edit the category name A to category B , the category of product X (table products) remains with the category...
asked by 09.06.2015 / 19:13

Website is too slow [closed]

This site uploads .torrent files, downloads, opens magnet, takes seeds, leechers, etc., however it is VERY SLOW , it takes about 15 seconds to open. > What can I do to reduce this time? if($sql = mysqli_query($coneccao, "SELECT * FR...
asked by 13.05.2015 / 01:41

Prevent duplicate registration with PDO

I would like to prevent duplicate registration of the same source. The code used for registration is the one below: <form name="enter" method="post" action="" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <?php if(isset($_POST['enter'])){ $font = $_...
asked by 13.05.2015 / 15:12

Place date on file generated by mysqldump

Hello, I want to put date in the file generated by mysqldump, I have a shell script that generates the dump, but I need to put the date that was generated in the file name Ex: // I have this command mysqldump -uroot -p12345 base_diversos &g...
asked by 07.04.2015 / 15:55

How to pass a parameter from a stored procedure with escaped characters?

I'm using php and mysql and would like to pass the following parameter to a stored procedure $param = "col = '{"video":"<iframe width=\'480\' height=\'600\' src=\'\´"}'"; call spActCol($param); but it happens that t...
asked by 14.04.2015 / 12:05