Questions tagged as 'mysql'


Update does not work in the database

Good folks, already made a topic here about this and resolved soon, but later I noticed that in arranging this problem I got another. Here's the code: <? error_reporting(0); require('cdn/inc/header.php'); if(isset($_SESSION['user_data']...
asked by 24.04.2015 / 23:38

Count and Display Different Table Registers PHP / MYSQL

GOOD LATE. I'm creating a report to count and display: - the number of men and women (table: customer) who made booking (booking table) in a hotel in a certain period of time (past via form). My question is: How to count and display using Cou...
asked by 28.04.2015 / 17:27

Doubt MySQLi Paramento new_link

The old PHP function mysql_connect had the new_link parameter that allowed connection to several different banks in the same script : Example: $connect = mysql_connect($host,$user,$pass,$new_link); How does this work...
asked by 15.07.2015 / 17:13

How to send message only to a user with WebSocket

I have a real-time chat application with Websocket , but at the moment it sends messages to the whole group, I would like to know how to send to a selected user, in the case when I click on user (from a list that appears next to it), he will st...
asked by 12.04.2015 / 23:44

How to prevent a while to execution before finishing the task?

I'm having a problem while doing a query in a MySql database. This query returns me a lot of data, and this data is sent to make a comparison inside a while . Usually it is exceeding the time of my server ending the execution before doing...
asked by 19.02.2015 / 00:27

Retrieve the ID of an insert in a table and use it to create a relationship with another table

Personal a big question, I'm developing a classifieds site, I'm recording the images and the ad at the same time, but the insertion queries are different, because the ad table and images are different, how can I do do the images added to the ad...
asked by 19.02.2015 / 23:35

MySQL - Select columns from a dynamic subselect

Doubt: How do I select and add dynamic fields? I have a dynamic query: SELECT * FROM ( SELECT @TotalSpendMensal ) AS t The result of the @TotalSpendMensal variable is dynamic, that is, it returns for example "JAN / 2015", "FEV...
asked by 02.03.2015 / 15:57

Process multiple concurrent requests and store in DB

I am dealing with a new problem due to some new challenges that I prostrate ... I have developed a registration system and obviously in the future it may come to have more than 100 registrations per day or even per hour or second. Thinking ab...
asked by 22.02.2015 / 13:37

Entering data in mysql, commit () does not work

I wanted to insert into the Database definitely. But with this code I am not succeeding, the registry is saved but does not commit() : import MySQLdb def conn(): try: db = MySQLdb.connect(host="",user="root",passwd="",db=...
asked by 04.03.2015 / 11:33

How to import mysql data with VBA without unconfiguring the text

I have a macro that connects to mysql and executes a query that is in a text file and adds the records to an excel sheet. It occurs that the text comes unconfigured. Example: Correct: CALL QTDE MADE (CPF VISION) How It Comes: CALL QTDE HELD (VIS...
asked by 18.03.2015 / 20:58