Questions tagged as 'mysql'


PHP / MySQL Add Category to Subject

Good people have never had much interest in the back-end area, but for greater reasons I'm having to learn. So far the basics I can already do, which are insert, delete, update, view the data using php / mysql. Now I came across a problem...
asked by 29.04.2015 / 14:25

How to send array files via ajax?

Well I have a script that inserts the posts in the database now I am trying to upload images together with the post I am trying to send problems with array of input file to the file where I'll handle the upload how can I do t...
asked by 03.03.2015 / 22:39

Mount menu with Filter and Subfilter

I'm trying to set up a menu where I should show the Filter and Subfilter, I'm getting the description of the Filter but the Subfilter is not yet. What is happening is that it starts to mount the subfilter and does not "break" to the next, get...
asked by 30.01.2015 / 22:21

Sending birthday emails based on MySQL query

I have to create a function on the server of my site that sends a birthday email, containing an HTML code, to birthday emails. Detail: These birthdays are registered in a MySQL table that contains name, email, and date of birth. So if there a...
asked by 20.10.2015 / 17:51

Save array of images in different columns

Good evening. I would like to count on your help in solving a problem that has been grinding my molecule for a few days and I still can not find a solution. I have the following code to send to the 4-photo server: if(isset($_POST['su...
asked by 11.12.2015 / 05:11

Export to database

I load 3 strings from a CMS. String Data da Noticia String Titulo da Noticia String Texto da Noticia Within a loop , I create the query to insert with these 3 strings. I'm just having some problems. 1st) The string Text of the News,...
asked by 08.07.2015 / 13:12

Merge results from a sql in just one row

I have the following database: CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS 'materiais'; USE 'materiais'; -- -- Table structure for table 'categoria' -- CREATE TABLE 'categoria' ( 'id_categoria' int(11) NOT NULL, 'descricao_categoria' varchar(100) N...
asked by 22.10.2014 / 00:10

Checkbox with data from one table, write to another

I have a form with a checkbox that pays data from the mao_obra table and needs to write to detail_orcamento , but I can only get and write the id from mao_obra but I also need the price and it is not writing, it follows the...
asked by 07.06.2014 / 18:28

Change character and collation settings

I have a configuration in a database as follows: SERVIDOR 1 show variables like '%version%'; innodb_version 1.1.8 protocol_version 10 slave_type_conversions version 5.5.19-log version_comment My...
asked by 11.12.2014 / 00:41

Error deleting FK

I have a table called: solicicaoemprestimo codemprestimo, dataemprestimo, horaemprestimo And another table called: loaned, codempresented, dateprice, timeprice, fk (requestpayment_codemprestimo) and I used this command: INSERT INTO...
asked by 04.06.2015 / 17:46