Questions tagged as 'mysql'


Bring results from two tables (INNER JOIN error)

I have the secretaries table with the following structure: Andtheworkertablewiththefollowingstructure: Ilinkedtheworkertabletothesecretariestablethroughthefollowingrelation: That is, I'm relating the Foreign key to the 'worker' table's pri...
asked by 25.06.2017 / 20:55

How to create validation to ask if the user really wants to leave the page? [duplicate]

I have a page where the user will edit fields that are in a form. This data comes from the database. The user can edit them, however, in the end he can write (that is, he will write / do update in the database) or he can close. I want to ma...
asked by 29.09.2016 / 13:54

Progress bar follow execution of mysql query

I need a bootstrap progress bar to follow the execution of a mysql query. $limite='200'; // limita $i=1; // para gerar o looping da barra de progresso $y = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM $tabela WHERE x='y' ORDER BY rand() limit $limite"); while(...
asked by 29.12.2016 / 15:11

How to display data registered in another page

Hello friends how could I get the data to appear on another page in a table? Thisisthecode<formmethod="post" action="index.php" onSubmit=""> <fieldset> <legend>Sistema de Inventário</legend><br /&g...
asked by 23.12.2016 / 12:52

How to do select count (*) with Python and mysql.connector

The library I'm using is this . This is the code: cur.execute("""SELECT COUNT(*) as total FROM tabela as t WHERE ... """, (v1, v2)) for (total) in cur: if total > 0: print('Existe') The problem is that there is never an...
asked by 07.01.2016 / 01:25

How to do an update always adding + 1 in mysql

Hello, How do I update a mysql column by always inserting +1 every new update? And how do you get -1 from the same column? I've tried this: "UPDATE tb_comment SET good=+1 WHERE id=:idComment" Only you entered 1, did not continue count...
asked by 17.01.2016 / 21:51

How to check / uncheck checkboxes by column using JQuery

Here in the company we are doing a plant management. The apartments / units that have the same end (eg Apt 1, Apt 11, Apt 21) and so on, are one underneath the other in the construction and for that reason the plant attached to them is the same,...
asked by 14.10.2015 / 19:43

how to get an element from a table

Speaking of variables that can be declared inside begin, I've seen that it has Declare and set only that I do not know when to use them. I have set x, set x, set x = x + 1, set x: = x + 1; they all confuse me and I do not know what they are for....
asked by 12.10.2015 / 21:28

Best practices for storing images in Amazon S3 and saving in MySQL

I'm modeling a database, however I'm in doubt as to how I'll handle this part of saving the image in Amazon S3 and referencing it easily in the database. I want to save the URL of the image (hosted on Amazon S3) in a field called "image_url"...
asked by 24.10.2015 / 14:29

Use multi-tenancy model or other types?

I'm working on multiple systems for a single company. In some cases, systems must integrate and in others not. For example, user access control must communicate with all other systems, since this is how it is defined that the user will access ce...
asked by 26.10.2018 / 19:54