Questions tagged as 'multithreading'


Finding Active Threads

I have the following problem, where I have a for() that opens 17 threads and need to retrieve, in another thread (18th) the active threads I opened earlier and check which ones are still active. I took a look around the internet, but I di...
asked by 20.04.2016 / 19:05

Why do we pass an object to the statement lock?

I'm working with multithreading and fell into a competition case. More than one thread accessed an I / O operation on the same file and so an exception was thrown. To solve the problem, I did so: private static object padlock = new object(...
asked by 10.11.2017 / 12:21

How to implement a process queue in Delphi 6?

How to implement a process queue in Delphi 6 as the TThread.Queue of the newer versions? What I need is to implement a queue for logging with Delphi 6. In newer versions I have the ability to use: procedure TFormClient.QueueLogMs...
asked by 25.06.2014 / 15:53

Using Callable in java sequentially executes the code

I'm doing a server in java that wanted to perform certain tasks in parallel. I have a list of a certain type I want 20 threads to deal with deterimented list elements. for( Item item : result ) { Callable< List< IResult > > cal...
asked by 06.12.2016 / 16:03

Encapsulate TClientSocket connections in Multithreads [closed]

I have a variable X number of electronic equipment (Meteorological stations) in my local network, each equipment provides a ServerSocket connection with an IP and a specific port, I have an application developed in DELPHI XE5 that connects to al...
asked by 14.10.2014 / 21:11

How to stop a Thread for a certain time, without using a Timer?

Explanation: Next, I have a TThread running parallel to Main Thread . And I have a routine to give a fade in the image. Well, the important thing is that I do this fade in a certain time in milliseconds, so I did the routine...
asked by 19.02.2014 / 17:58

Clients do not communicate in the same multiplayer game in Java

I'm trying to make a simple multiplayer tank game by implementing chat. The game and the chat are all ok! However, I can not get 2 clients to see the same object Arena . In this case, each customer joining creates a tank in the arena. H...
asked by 13.11.2017 / 06:23

FireDac multithread (Concurrent Connections - REST Server) DELPHI

Good morning people, I would like to ask for your help, if anyone can help, I am very grateful. The question would be fairly simple, How to work with Multi Thread in FireDac? In other databases, such as DBISAM, you have a Session compo...
asked by 17.02.2017 / 13:10

Do threads share the same memory address as a method of an object?

I looked here in the OS only that I did not find anything like the doubt I have. I have a Java program that uses Threads . public class Objeto { int i; public Objeto() { i = 0; } public void Foo() { i++; Sy...
asked by 20.06.2016 / 17:21

Programming with client and server: How to get numerous data exchanges per client and numerous clients simultaneously?

The client: from socket import * serverHost = 'localhost' serverPort = 50007 # Menssagem a ser mandada codificada em bytes menssagem = [b'Ola mundo da internet!'] # Criamos o socket e o conectamos ao servidor sockobj = socket(AF_INET, SOCK...
asked by 08.04.2018 / 00:54