Questions tagged as 'ms-access'


How to delete data from a table in VBA Access

I need a command in vba to delete the records from my table REPETIRTEL the moment I close my form. This form does not have this table as the data source, so I need the command to call this table and then disable the delete commit messag...
asked by 13.03.2014 / 20:35

Use the Excel Application object within Access

I am creating a VBA script that exports a table into several excel shared worksheets in a specific directory. The problem is that Excel issues a warning to confirm the save of the file for each file. I would like to delete this confirmatio...
asked by 28.04.2014 / 15:31

How to make a mask in MS Access that works for 10 or 11 digit phones?

I would like to know how to make a mask that works for both 10- and 11-digit phones in Microsoft Access. Who would stay: (99) 1234-1234 (99) 12345-1234 I only know how to use the default masks, and the ones I tried to do the "-" exit in...
asked by 16.06.2014 / 02:21

Get last column Access

I'm developing a small application that inserts data into a database in access. I am trying to insert the data however I wanted to get the last value of the inserted ID (automatic number) for a msgbox. provider = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB....
asked by 07.02.2018 / 09:34

ADO Command / Parameter in Excel (VBA)

Hello, I'm developing a code in VBA in Excel 2010 in conjunction with an Access 2010 bank. In this code, I use ADO Command to manipulate the data in the database, however I am getting an error message in a particular piece of code. The...
asked by 06.04.2015 / 21:29

Delphi 7 Ado Dataset not in edit or insert mode

I'm doing a program in Delphi 7 with Access (I know it's old stuff). But you're giving the error when I try to write something very simple. tblPerguntas.Open; tblPerguntas.Insert; tblPerguntaspergunta.Value := edtPergunta.Text; tblPerguntasCon...
asked by 16.11.2014 / 17:43

Access database getting heavy after running query via VBA

Next, I have a Access database with a table named tblDados . This table contains 19 initial fields. I import a CSV file que contains 1 million records, so far, save and close the uncompressed and repaired database , it...
asked by 25.05.2018 / 19:40

access - query subtraction doubles values

I coded the following queries: SomaEntradasTtais: SELECT artigos.Nome, Sum(Entradas.quantidade_ent) AS [Total Entradas] FROM artigos INNER JOIN Entradas ON artigos.Cod_artigo = Entradas.Cod_artigo GROUP BY artigos.Nome; SomaSaidsTotal:...
asked by 30.06.2016 / 11:07

Connection with Access bank using java

I'm a beginner in java programming, and I'm trying to make a program that connects to a bank access and save the information there. I created a specific class for the connection and created a method to insert the data, however it is falling in t...
asked by 22.09.2016 / 13:58

How to Save Datagridview items within a column?

I'm creating a Budgets form, similar to this one in the photo: As you can see, in the New button, you generate a new row in the bank with the budget number in the Código field and the client in the NomeCliente field. But whe...
asked by 19.06.2015 / 14:28