Questions tagged as 'mpdf'


mPDF - Error generating PDF | Message: preg_replace ():

I'm using mPDF to generate the PDF: $this->load->helper('mpdf'); $this->data['dadosboleto'] = $this->boleto_model->GerarBoletoCEF($id_cliente, $data_inicial, $data_final); $this->data['view'] = 'boleto/bole...
asked by 26.11.2015 / 05:20

Print 2 records per page with Mpdf

My problem is this: I need to print duplicates. I am using to generate the pdf Mpdf . When I need to emit only one blz, it works perfectly, but when I need to print more, it cuts, it gets one part on the first page and the second on the en...
asked by 13.01.2017 / 21:32

Multi-Downloads with PHP and mPDF

I'm trying to perform a function in PHP that performs multiple PDF file downloads within a repeat loop. The problem is that you only download the file independently of the size of the array. Follow the code below: $testes = array('teste','t...
asked by 31.08.2017 / 20:57

How to add header and footer in mpdf

I'm doing a job where I have to generate a PDF from mPDF and it generates correctly, but from the moment I add header or footer, it stops working and does not generate the PDF, the goal was to add pagination to the footer, which is one of the re...
asked by 31.12.2017 / 12:15

How to include generated php file in mpdf

I'm using the mpdf library to try to display in pdf a file created in php but I'm having trouble doing the same thing, I think the way I'm trying is not the correct one. The file php contains php and html...
asked by 04.04.2017 / 21:17

MPDF - Start pagination with variable numbering

I have an application and need to print a document using the mPDF class, however, I need the in pagination if you start, for example from the number 43 , 44 , 45 and so on and not from 1 , 2 , 3 , as is your default. I would like th...
asked by 07.11.2016 / 21:35

mpdf only displays on firerox

I am using mPDF and it is only generating the reports correctly in FireFox or opening by IE. If I try to open the file with PDF reader it returns the error when loading PDF document. <?php include("../crud/_views/plugins/mpdf60/mpdf.php")...
asked by 19.09.2017 / 16:35

Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded MPDF

When you run local, the PDF generates normally, but on the server it times out and does not open. <?php require_once "../mpdf60/mpdf.php"; require_once "../DAO/conexao.php"; require_once "../DAO/vendaDAO.php";...
asked by 21.11.2016 / 19:03

Dealing with multiple lines of code within a variable

I'm developing a dynamic report with mPDF, but I'm not able to put my data inside a variable so I can output it. My page is designed like this: $html = '<div class="box-content no-padding table-responsive relMembros">' .'<table cla...
asked by 05.07.2016 / 20:59

Export CRUD list with MPDF + OB_start ()

Good morning guys, I'm developing CRM using the CodeIgniter framework and I'm not able to export some CRUD lists using the MPDF library. I'm trying to use the ob_start() function as indicated in the library...
asked by 16.01.2017 / 18:35