Questions tagged as 'mapas'


Tramsform divs with sizes and fixed positions in responsive content

Friends, I am in the middle of a work of academic bias, and I have the mission of transforming this map into virtual and responsive content. ForthisIalreadyhaveadivsstructuregeneratedbyPhotoshopitself.Myquestionishowtoturnthisintoresponsivecont...
asked by 13.10.2017 / 06:15

How to implement a map showing location in real time - with offset?

Here's the scenario: For example, if I wanted to show all the homes of the users of a city (those that are registered in the system) it would only be necessary to make a request in the database before the page is loaded, to recover the geogra...
asked by 14.06.2017 / 14:46

Disable map movement with mouse

I have a page with a mapLink map, I would like to disable the move (drag) map with the mouse. UPDATE I got in touch with mapLink support, they passed me the disableDragging() function, I questioned them about the documentati...
asked by 06.03.2017 / 20:33