Questions tagged as 'machine-learning'


Iterator should return a String

Hello, I have the following code: import csv def carregar_acessos(): X = [] Y = [] arquivo = open('acesso_pagina.csv', 'rb') leitor = csv.reader(arquivo) next(leitor) for home,como_funciona,contato,comprou in leito...
asked by 13.11.2017 / 23:52

What to do after preparing a Model? [closed]

I would like to understand how I can put into practice in some system, the model that I create with Deep learning or machine learning. I see several tutorials teaching to create a very simple structure of deep learning, and in the end bringing r...
asked by 18.10.2017 / 20:22

Problems with input data in neural network with scikit learn

I would like to create a neural network that returns 1 (one) for a specific case and 0 (zero) for all the others. The idea would be: import numpy as np import pandas as pd from sklearn.preprocessing import MaxAbsScaler from sklearn.neural_n...
asked by 22.08.2018 / 01:19

IA Weak, concept and example in software development

Weak AI is about building software in a smart way. Can all logic processed by a computer be considered as weak AI? or only falls within this category those structures that we see or hear speak in this discipline, For example: Genetic Algorithms,...
asked by 15.05.2018 / 14:40

Help with prediction of variables with machine learning and unbalanced classes in R (caret)

I'm learning machine learning techniques to predict (numeric) sheet size values from multiple (numeric) predictors. However, leaf sizes are conditioned to the way of life, (trees or grams), which are not balanced. At the moment, I'm creating dat...
asked by 25.02.2018 / 22:25

Training of images in the tensorflow

Good evening! I'm trying to build a neural network in python using tensorflow and its other libraries, my doubt and, I have 4 classes and I need to do a training of them I have many images for each class, I need to use neural network CNN I un...
asked by 21.03.2018 / 01:43

Machine Learning - Latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA)

I would like to know how the probabilistic topic model, Latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) works: What applications does it have? Example of implementation in a programming language?
asked by 19.07.2017 / 13:57

TypeError: object of type 'NoneType' has no len ()

I'm trying to apply the NMF algorithm in a csv and then extract the phrases attached to each topic import pandas from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer from sklearn.decomposition import NMF def display_topics(model, featu...
asked by 14.09.2018 / 16:00

How do I enter new data for prediction (text)?

I'm new to Python and new to Machine Learning. I built an algorithm for it to be trained to classify texts. So you can predict in which category a particular text fits. Training and score are working. Now, my question is with regard to new da...
asked by 06.09.2018 / 20:05

Recommendation system based on previously registered data

I am a layman in machine-learning I started a course in Alura about system class using pip however does not solve my problem, I would like a library for a system recommendation , I would collect data related to each game of an electronic ga...
asked by 11.12.2017 / 13:36