Questions tagged as 'link'


Link redirect is not working in Firefox

Well, I'm in the final stages of developing a website, and there was a problem with browser Firefox , on all other browsers tested, a link within a button worked, however, firefox , it reads the cancel / return butt...
asked by 24.10.2016 / 14:08

PHP - How to insert a variable link inside a href variable?

I'm trying this way: <?php $link = "'index.php?id=echo ['post_id']; " ?> <?php while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { echo "<span class='survey-name'><a href='$link'>". $row['title'] ."</span>"; ?&...
asked by 15.07.2015 / 01:04

Link to a div on another page does not work

I have this code: <div id="text"><p>A Intertráfego está disponível a ser alcançada a qualquer momento. Saiba <a href="pedir_cotacao.html#map">onde estamos</a> e <a href="pedir_cotacao.html#otherQuestion"> os nosso...
asked by 26.03.2014 / 13:22

Create a link with data and go through post

I do not know if it is possible, but I would like to create a link (or simulate one) where I need to pass data to the page of that link, but I would not like to pass this data by get but by post , otherwise (I know that for an advan...
asked by 22.07.2014 / 16:56

Anchor link not working HTML

Good afternoon, I'm doing a project site and it has those links that take you from one part of the page to the other, but it's not working right. I put the link as <a href="#violao"> <div class="col s6 m3 valing-wrapper" id="...
asked by 22.02.2018 / 17:57

Session overlap problem with anchors in html

Personal I'm doing a website that has a menu with anchors, all work well minus the anchor of the menu called team note that it goes down right to the session but it overlaps the whole title and in the other sessions it works correctly because...
asked by 15.03.2018 / 15:40

How to link files in different folders?

I'm having trouble linking two HTML pages, the folder hierarchy is this: Iwanttolinktothefile:J:\Totem_App\XPLACES\access\cid_vitoria\1_acru.html<ahref="/../../00_menu_vitoria_xingu.html" target="_parent" class="bcontraste">LINK</a...
asked by 26.01.2018 / 13:42

Discover link in python

I am doing a web scrapping in python and sometimes I come across some links and / or buttons that are not with the actual URL of the url so that you will be redirecting if you click. In this case, if I click, it downloads a PDF file, but I j...
asked by 27.09.2016 / 21:44

Linux - Symbolic Link + Dropbox

I've been making use of sublime 3 recently and would like to leave it standard on all my computers. For this I thought about using the dropbox, which automatically synchronizes if there is any change. I thought of using the ln -s symbo...
asked by 14.08.2015 / 02:28

Javascript does not get a clicked link with the same ID

I'm putting a script to copy the link to clipboard, using the ZeroClipboard plugin. The problem is that I have a list with multiple links that comes from MySQL . And in the list loop always comes the id "copy-link" in <...
asked by 19.06.2015 / 06:14