Questions tagged as 'layout-responsivo'


When to use In or%?

I'm studying responsive layout and I already know that to create a flexible part you need to use relative measure like In and%. But I still can not understand what the real difference between one and another ... ... and if it is possible to a...
asked by 01.12.2014 / 18:41

Questions about CSS

Personal quick question, how do I set only a font-size in the font so that it decreases by the size of the device? I'm currently inserting a different font-size size for each @media query , there's a smarter way of doing this so...
asked by 25.05.2016 / 20:16

Problem displaying layout on multiple devices

I'm having a hard time putting together a layout. In the emulated it gets the way I want as below: Butthecellphoneiscompletelyunconfiguredasbelow: XMLCode:<?xmlversion="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <LinearLayout xmlns:android="http://...
asked by 26.08.2015 / 00:07

How to make a responsive horizontal line?

I can not simply make a line because, depending on the page, instead of one line, it will continue on another line.     
asked by 02.03.2016 / 17:29

Responsive Layout

I'm having problems in the responsive layout part, I'm looking forward to starting work with the following sizes: 1280 x 1024 1024 x 768 768 x 1024 480 x 320 1680 x 1050 1024 x 600 However, I had already opened another topic for that ....
asked by 15.04.2015 / 18:48

Media queries for Internet Explorer 8 and 9

How to make IE 8 and 9 read the conditions of Media Query? I have read some docs but I did not find anything enlightening. The query is being done in the HTML example and I would not like to apply it to just one CSS. <link rel="styleshee...
asked by 01.04.2014 / 22:23

Stop scroll menu in a certain resolution

I have a menu that goes down along with the scroll. I used Jquery to add css attributes for this to occur. I do not want this to happen when the site has less than 768px of width. So let it be stopped Media queries did not help me resolve bec...
asked by 09.02.2015 / 14:17

Grid System or Twitter Bootstrap

I'm starting now there is search for these "css layout setters", and the ones I most hear about is: 960 Grid System ( link ) and twitter bootstrap ( link ). I would like to know, in which situation is one more appropriate than the other? I g...
asked by 20.02.2015 / 12:18

Layout for all screen sizes [duplicate]

I started briefly with android and I had a big question. How do I make a layout to work on all screen sizes? As I researched, there are specific layout folders for each size. So how do I create these folders, since in Android Studio comes o...
asked by 14.07.2015 / 20:40

Take height from one div and apply it to another div

I'm using the excellent FullCalendar plugin to add a calendar to a page of the site I'm doing. It is very dynamic and the plugin calculates its size as soon as the page loads, keeping its size proportional to the div parent it is in....
asked by 30.01.2015 / 18:26